Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group VI | Mr. N. Srinivas

Mr. N. Srinivas,
Near Khammam Town,
Khammam District.

      Mr. N. Srinivas (46), an agriculturist, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I have been hearing about Bhagavan since 1984 when I tried my level best to come to Prasanthi Nilayam but could not do so.

I could come only for Sivarathri in 2003 to Prasanthi Nilayam for the first time, when I had darshan of Swami for the first time. I felt that some power had entered me filling my whole body and mind with bliss unknown. That year I witnessed lingodbhavam.

In 2004, I sowed green gram. But the crop completely failed owing to drought. I was thinking of ploughing the field again and go in for another crop. But as I went to plough the field there was rain and I had to abandon my plan for the day. It went on raining like that for nearly ten days off and on. Meanwhile the parched field regained life due to rains. My green gram field was lush-green soon. Within a few weeks, I could reap excellent crop owing to His grace. Thus, Swami saved me from certain and serious loss.

Since my childhood I had some protrusion on my neck. Doctors suggested surgery but I did not go in for it for years. Gradually, I stopped worrying about it, and began to feel it as a part of my body. In 2003, when I felt Swami's energy entering me at the time of my first darshan, the protrusion began to slowly get reduced in size and disappeared completely in a few months without any medicine or surgery, owing to His grace.'

-- Mr. N. Srinivas

   (As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 20.03.2006)