Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mr. N. Balasubrahmanian

Mr. N. Balasubrahmanian,
No.6, 8th Street, Sri Sakti Nagar,
Annanoor, Chennai - 600 109
Tel: 044-26380319
E-mail: shivsaai@yahoo.com

Mr. N. Balasubrahmanian (62), a retired official from the Integral Coach Factory, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I was a hockey player. In March 1966, our team went to Bombay to participate in the Gold Cup Tournament there. At that time, I did not know about Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. As we were going along Malabar Hills area one day for sightseeing, we found a huge crowd gathered before a bungalow. The bungalow - we were told - was that of the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Mr. Y. B. Chawan. We saw Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba with glorious saffron colour dress giving Darshan to the crowds from the balcony of the bungalow. That was the first time I had Darshan of Bhagavan though I could not understand the significance of that incident at that time. May be due to that, we performed exceedingly well in the Tournament and came as runners up in the finals.

In 1975, I went to Jaipur to my brother's house on holiday. One day he arranged for Sai-bhajan in his house. I came to know that he is a devotee of Swami. I, too, attended the bhajan. From that time I have become a devotee of Bhagavan. Since then I have been associated with Sri Sathya Sai activities.

In 1976, I came to Puttaparthi. It was my first visit to the Ashram. We came during Sivarathri. I participated in bhajan in the night and had the good fortune to witness Swami taking out linga from His mouth (lingodbhavam) and also witnessed Swami doing vibhuti Abhishekam for Shirdi Baba idol, earlier during the day bhajan. In those days Sai Kulwant Hall was not there. Bhajan was held in the Poornachandra Auditorium. Vibhuti Abhishekam was done over two-feet idol of Shirdi Sai in the Poornachndra Auditorium. We all saw vibhuti falling (flowing) out of an empty vessel held over the idol of Shirdi Sai in a shower. In a few minutes, the idol was completely immersed in vibhuti. Later Swami came to one and all sprinkling the holy water with a bunch of darbhas. I too received fortunately a few drops of the holy water and a packet of vibhuti showered on the idol.

In 1993, I was riding a scooter from Anna Nagar to T. Nagar in Chennai for a personal work. The traffic was heavy. I was going at about 30 km per hour. Just behind me, a Pallava Transport Bus, known for its speed, was coming. Suddenly a cyclist came from the side lane on the wrong side and hit me. He was carrying a very big basket of tomatoes on his cycle. Owing to the impact, I fell on my right and the cyclist along with the basket full of tomatoes fell on top of me. The Bus that was coming behind me hit the rear side (stepney) of my scooter before its driver could turn it to a side. It then hit the road divider and stopped. Had the driver not turned it to a side, it would have run over me.

As the accident occurred many who were witnessing it raised a hue and cry. Almost all of them thought that I was written off. Most of them were reprimanding the cyclist for coming on a wrong side. Owing to Swami's grace, I was unhurt. I got up and raised my vehicle. I got on it and drove off, as the vehicle was only a little damaged. I was a little dazed as I saw the Bus coming towards me while I fell down and lost hopes of my survival. Soon I recovered, and could proceed to T.Nagar to complete my work. By the time the police arrived on the scene, the Bus, the cyclist and the tomato basket were there except me - the scooterist. Whenever I think of that accident, I feel grateful to Bhagavan, whose photo I always keep in my purse, for sparing my life.'

-- Mr. N. Balasubrahmanian

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 27.10.2004.)