Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group III | Mr. Muthaiah Ramdas

Mr. Muthaiah Ramdas
46-3, VRN Colony
Kamalalayam (North)
Tiruvarur – 610 001
Tamil Nadu

Mr. Muthaiah Ramdas (64), a retired employee of Cooperatives, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

‘My daughter, Ms. Bhagyalakshmi is an ardent devotee of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. She was married in 1983. Her husband was ill treating her. Added to it he was found to be impotent. So she applied for divorce and got the divorce from the Court.

I was keen to get her married again but she was not willing. Because of her nightmarish married life, she was always under mental tension and was unsteady. In 1984, after her divorce, we went to Brindavan and had Darshan of Bhagavan. It was our first Darshan. When Swami came in front of her, she caught hold of His legs with both her hands and began crying hysterically. Sevadal tried to pull her away from Swami, but Swami asked them to leave her alone. After the first wave of her anguish subsided, she looked up. Swami smiled at her and blessed. She felt at once that a heavy load was taken off her head.

After she came out of Darshan, I noticed a sea change in her. She appeared to be a new girl free from all tension, relaxed and steady. Swami wiped off her memory all unpleasant experiences of her marriage. On seeing the instantaneous transformation I too became a devotee of Bhagavan.

I began praying to Swami to make her agree for remarriage since she was still quite young. Swami came in my dream and said, ‘she will marry again. But wait, wait’. Strangely my daughter also had a dream in which Swami told her that He would arrange remarriage for her, but she had to wait.

We bought a photograph of Bhagavan and put it in pooja. One day we noticed kumkum on the toe of the right leg of Bhagavan in the photograph. For four or five days kumkum was emanating like that. After five days amrit began to ooze out of the hand and head of Bhagavan in the photograph.

After these happenings, one young man, Mr. Ekambara Nathan came to me one day. ‘I will marry your daughter, if you and the girl are willing’, he told me, ‘and I am aware of the failure of her first wedlock’. He is known to us and belongs to our caste. Besides, he is a devotee of Bhagavan. We took his jatakam and bio-data. His horoscope tallied with that of my daughter. By the grace of Swami, my daughter also agreed. After this, Swami came into my dream and said, ‘the marriage will be held in Murugan Koil’. So we performed the wedding in Murugan Koil in 1987.

They are happy and blessed with a son who was born on Vijayadasami day which is, incidentally, the day on which Shirdi Sai Baba entered Maha Samadhi.’

-- Mr. Muthaiah Ramdas

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 03.05.2005)