Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mr. M. Samy Subbaiah

Mr. M. Samy Subbaiah,
153 / 3, North Street, Samiyarpatti,
Chinnalapatti - 624 312
Dindigal District, Tamilnadu
Tel: 0451-2452890

Mr. M. Samy Subbaiah (58), a floral decorator, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I did not know about Sri Sathya Sai Baba earlier. I have three sons and a daughter. In around 1990, I was planning to perform the marriage of my daughter. My wife wanted that she should be given in marriage to her brother. I did not agree because my brother-in-law was used to alcoholic drinks. On this issue my wife and I used to indulge in heated arguments. There used to be friction and no peace in the house.

One day one of my friends told me, 'Sri Sathya Sai Baba is coming to Kodaicanal. You go and have His Darshan. Your problems will be solved.'

My wife and I went to Kodaicanal. We had Darshan of Bhagawan. In the evening, my wife and I were going to have dinner at about 8 p.m. Then she came to me all of a sudden and said, 'you do as you wish in the case of the marriage of our daughter. I will agree willingly', I was flabbergast with happiness. Soon a good match came our way and we performed the marriage of our daughter well. By Swami's grace, they are well off.

I don't remember the year, but it may be 10 or 12 years ago. Maha Magham festival was going on. It comes only once in 12 years. We all went there to have a holy dip in Maha Magham tank. As I was taking bath, I slipped and began to drown. I do not know swimming. I began to pray to Swami. Within seconds, I felt that some one caught hold of my hair and was pulling me up. I surfaced and had a lungful of breath. I do not know who saved me. But I could come out of the water alive. I thanked Bhagavan for the rescue.

In 1992 my brother fell ill. He developed kidney failure. It was prolonged illness, and a very painful one. He was suffering severely. Though he received the best of treatment, there was no hope of survival. We could not stand the sight of his suffering day in and day out. Finally, I wrote a letter to Swami. 'Swami! I should not write like this. But I am unable to bear the sight of my brother's suffering. Kindly relieve him of it.' Within two hours after I posted it, my brother passed away quietly and suddenly. Even the Doctors did not expect that the end be so soon.

In that year, I was fortunate to get an opportunity to decorate Swami's Mandir at Kodaicanal. I took all the material for decoration along with flowers in a van, and set out to Kodaicanal. On the way the van broke down. There was no scope to get another conveyance even if we paid heavily. I prayed to Bhagavan. Then suddenly a car came that way. The driver stopped and asked us what was the matter. We told him our problem. He said, 'shift all the material into the car'. We did so. Generally car owners do not like this type of luggage to be loaded into cars. But in this case, he invited us with luggage. He dropped us at the Mandir and did not accept any money. I thought that it was Bhagavan Himself who gave us lift that day. I could complete the decoration as per schedule.

My wife and I have been coming for seva for the past several years. I also buy some medicines and distribute them free to poor patients. One day in 1994, I was going round our village with medicines. There was a lady who was in advanced months of pregnancy. She developed some problem suddenly. Doctor said, 'we should do caesarean immediately'. She was anaemic also. So the Doctor wanted blood to be brought for blood transfusion. Just at that time I happened to visit their house. I always keep Baba's vibhuti with me. I put a little on her forehead and gave a little to her to drink after mixing with water. We all began to pray. Owing to Bhagavan's grace, she had normal delivery within a couple of minutes and there was no need for blood transfusion. Both mother and child were ok.'

-- Mr. Samy Subbaiah.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 27.10.2004.)