Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group V | Mr. M.Gopala Krishnayya

Mr. M. Gopala Krishnayya,
7/79, Nagendra Nagar ,
Habsiguda Centre,
Hyderabad -500 007.

Mr. M. GopalaKrishnayya, who retired as the Executive Director and acting Chairman and Managing Director, Bank Of Maharashtra, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I was going to Kakinada to join service there in the sixties and made a brief halt at Nellore at my in-laws place. It happened that Bhagavan visited the house of my father-in-law, Mr. M.B.G. Krishna Prasad at that time. Swami used to call him Babu Naidu affectionately. While I was there, my father-in-law wanted to introduce me to Swami and get me his blessings as I had joined Andhra Bank only a few months back as a probation officer. But the whole house was packed with local elite and devotees and I had to be content with a place in a corner by the side of the door. Swami came and spent some time in this house. My father-in-law looked in vain for me. He could not locate me as I was lost in the crowd. I had no initiation into Sri Sathya Sai fold till then. I did not know what to do on such occasions. While I was wondering what this was all about, a hand was placed on my shoulder. Before I knew what was happening, Swami put His hand around my shoulder and was taking me out through the main door towards His car. 'Going to Kakinada?' Bhagavan asked me. I was not introduced to Him, but how could He know who I was, and where I was going? I was amazed. After Swami left, my father-in-law said ruefully 'where were you? I wanted you to get Swami's blessings'. When I related what had happened, they were pleasantly surprised. That is how I had darshan of Bhagavan for the first time.

I was blessed with a son in 1960. My wife Mrs. Hemalatha was keen to get him named by Bhagavan. 'Why go all the way for this to Parthi?' I used to tell her, 'call him Muralikrishna or Muralidhar or some other name of the god. That's all'. We thus waited nearly for two years to have him named by Bhagavan. In 1962 my brother-in -law's marriage was performed by Bhagavan in Prasanti Nilayam when we all went there. Then my wife prayed to Bhagavan to give a name to the boy. 'He was given a name already by his father' Bhagavan replied, 'why give a name again now?' When my wife prayed to him, He materialized a medallion with the picture of Muralikrishna on one side and Shiridi Baba on the other. Thus, Swami confirmed the name Muralikrishna which I had casually uttered as the name of my son nearly two years before.

I was posted in Bangalore in 1968 and was there for five years. My wife developed a depression in those days for no reason. We had her examined by doctors. We had arranged the best and expensive treatment, but all in vain. One day I had a thought: 'These people (my in-laws) are devotees of Bhagavan. Why not take her to Bhagavan?' One Sunday we went to Brindavan, Whitefield. We were still thinking where to sit to get a good view of Bhagavan. Swami came straight to us, materialized vibuthi, gave it to my wife and left before we could open our mouth. We felt immensely happy. We went next Sunday also. While we were still thinking about the best possible place to sit when Bhagavan came straight to us. 'Take them to the room', He told a sevadal and left. In the interview room, Swami talked of her problem. 'Trust in me', He said materializing talisman and giving her. 'Wear this always' He said, 'you will be all right.' He then blessed us all and gave me His photograph which I still keep in my purse always. He also gave my son and daughter a medallion each. We started going on Sundays to Brindavan to have His darshan and also participate in bhajans. We began also doing bhajans in our house. Within a few weeks, my wife became normal.

I was later posted as the Regional Manager, Anantapur. In 1975 we opened the Extension Counter of our Bank in Sri Sathya Sai Degree College for women there. While we were at Anantapur, my son had some heart problem. Swami sent medicine to him. When we applied that medicine, the boy was completely healed.

In 1979 when we performed the marriage of our daughter Ms. Sasikala, we went to Prasanti Nilayam for His blessings. We sat for sometime and returned to our place. Later we came to know that Bhagavan had enquired about where we were. 'They left Swami!' someone told Him. Perhaps he wanted to give new clothes to the couple.

In 1989, we performed the marriage of my son. We went to Prasanti Nilayam to take blessings of Swami. Swami gave the couple new clothes.

When I was in the Bank of Maharashtra, the Government took action on me for some irregularities committed in the Andhra Bank in which I worked as General Manager earlier. Though I was not involved in any way, they took action on me making me morally responsible. I was the only person still in service while others had retired already. So they made me a scapegoat. I was under suspension for nine months. I did not accept the injustice meekly. I prayed to Bhagavan and fought back taking the issue to the Court. In 1993, my son had a dream. In that dream Swami appeared and said 'the problem is over now. So your father is happy'. Within a week the High Court ordered quashing the Government directive that placed me under suspension. The Government went to the vacation Bench and obtained a stay on the High Court order. As I had already spent a lot on the litigation, I decided to sit back and watch the law take its own course reposing my faith in Bhagavan.

In 2004, Bhagavan appeared in my dream and told me 'do padanamaskar'. On the third day after I had had that dream, the Supreme Court gave an order in my favour. I was exonerated honourably, and all arrears of pay, etc were paid to me duly for the period of suspension till the date of my retirement. This was owing to His Grace.

My wife stopped taking medicine for any of her ailments. She takes only Vibhuti in a spirit of total surrender, and gets relief from her ailments owing to Swami's grace without medication. Owing to His grace, I have been able to spend my time in peace and happiness under His loving care.

While I was in the Andhra Bank, I was blessed by Bhagavan with two important opportunities to be His instrument to carry out His tasks. Some devotee donated a site at Rajahmundry to Bhagavan. Bhagavan permitted the Central Trust to dispose it and credit the sale proceeds to the Trust as the Trust could find no way of making use of that site at that time. The Trust was informed that Andhra Bank would buy the site. This was conveyed only informally. But somehow the proposal got stuck in red tape for various reasons, and purchase of that site by the Bank did not materialize.

When Col. Joga Rao and others of the Trust were worried about it, Swami told them, 'why not you go to the son-in-law of Babu Naidu. The son-in-law of Babu Naidu working in the Andhra Bank is none other than me'. They sounded me on that. I was the Regional Manager of the Andhra Bank at Rajahmundry, at that time. This happened in 1989 or so. A note was put up, but the proposal did not go up to the Board and also to the Reserve Bank as it should, according to rules. Owing to Bhagavan's grace, I could pursue this case effectively and speedily. Finally the Bank purchased the site in which the Bank's Rural Training Centre came up later.

Till 1992, I was General Manager (Staff) in the Head Office of the Andhra Bank. I was then transferred to the Department of Planning and Development. I was told by someone that the Andhra Bank had promised to donate Rs 5 lakhs to Sri Satya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanti Nilayam (Deemed University). But the promise did not take shape. I looked into the file, and noticed that the clearance of the Reserve Bank was necessary to give that much donation. I moved a proposal to the Board to refer it the Reserve Bank. Owing to Bhagavan's grace, the papers moved without any hitch. I had the good fortune to personally handover the DD for Rs.3 lakhs to Bhagavan as the first instalment when He directed me to hand it over to the then Registrar of the Institute. I had the good fortune also of personally bringing the DD for the balance Rs.2 lakhs subsequently to Prasanthi Nilayam, thus ridding the Bank of its obligation.'

-- Mr. M. Gopalakrishnayya

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 21.11.2005.)