Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group V | Mr. K.V.V.S.Prasad

Mr. K.V.V.S.Prasad,
3648, MIG (Phase-II),
BHEL, Ramachandrapuram
Hyderabad - 502 032

Tel: 040-2302 1847

Mr. K.V.V.S. Prasad (49), Senior Technician, BHEL, Hyderabad, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'My father, Mr. Krishna Murthy was given a photograph of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba around 1959 by one of his music teachers who returned after performing at Prasanthi Nilayam. I was in my primary classes then. That is the first time I heard about Bhagavan.

I married Ms. Aruna Devi in 1980. She comes from a family of devotees of Bhagavan and is herself a devotee. She brought with her a photograph of Bhagavan and kept it in the pooja. At that time I regarded Bhagavan as just another saint, and did not accept that He is God. 'How can a man like any of us be God?' I used to question. 'Why did you bring this (photograph of Bhagavan) into pooja?' I asked my wife. But I did not remove it, nor did I object to her worshipping Bhagavan. In facts I used to bring her all pooja-samagri she needed.

Our elders were anxious that we should beget children. After marriage my wife wanted to go to Prasanthi Nilayam for darshan of Bhagavan. 'Well! If you so desire, you go along with your sister' I told her, 'I will make arrangements and give you money. But, I don't want to come'.

'I am now married' my wife used to reply, 'how can I go alone now without you?' she did not agree to go to Parthi without me. I did not relent.

In 1981, I had a dream. I was travelling in a bus. Swami was seated on one side near the window. On seeing Swami, I wanted to go to Him; but He Himself rose and came to me. I folded my hands as a mark of respect. 'Come to Puttaparthi, Bangaroo' Swami said, 'I will give you interview'. I woke my wife up and told her about my dream. 'Be ready with the suitcase by the time I return from the first shift' I told her, 'we are going to Puttaparthi'. She was pleasantly surprised and readily agreed.

I applied for a week's leave and we both left for Parthi. When we went to the bus-stand, the bus was ready. There were only two seats. We boarded it and reached Parthi the next morning. In those days, Sai Kulwanth Hall was not there. We sat on the sand and had darshan of Bhagavan. Swami used to come, give darshan and go, but He did not call us for interview. My wife suggested that I write a letter and keep it with me to handover to Bhagavan during darshan. I did accordingly, but Bhagavan did not take the letter but said 'wait'. That evening also He did not take the letter. Some people told me 'you have come here because Bhagavan called you. How can you leave till He permits you to go?'

'I can't' I told my wife after we returned to our room 'stay any longer as there is no leave. I am a new entrant to service. How can I stay on without leave? I will give you money and leave'. My wife did not agree to stay behind without me. So we both returned to Hyderabad. Had I waited then as Bhagavan asked me, I don't know which turn my life would have taken!

About the end of 1981, I had another dream. My mother, my wife and I were in a field under harvest. Bhagavan came in a chariot and alighted before us. He came to us and said 'do padanamaskar'. I did so. 'Do padanamaskar' He repeated. I took padanamaskar the second time. He then materialized an apple and gave it to me. I began to eat it. When I ate half of it, Swami struck me on my hand and said 'won't you give your wife? Will you eat it all?' I gave the remaining half to her and she ate. 'Take padanamaskar', and we took padanamaskar. There was a small hillock opposite to the field. Swami turned towards it and waved His hand as if He was beckoning some one. He did not say anything or call any name. Then two children, a boy and a girl of kindergarten age appeared on the hillock. The hillock had no slope but an abrupt drop on our side. The children came up to the edge and stood there. 'You will have a son first' Swami told us, and then a daughter'. The dream ended.

About three or four months after this, my wife was in the family way. Scanning revealed that it was a male child. Owing to Swami's grace, we were blessed with son Raghunandan on April 4, 1983. Even then, I did not develop complete faith that Swami is God-incarnate. My wife wanted to get aksharabhyasam done by Swami for the boy 'you go there with the boy' I told her 'I don't come.' They went to Prasanthi Nilayam. Swami wrote Aum on the new slate and they returned happily. I got the slate framed up and hung it in our house.

After a few years, my wife was pregnant again but had a miscarriage. She was hospitalized. As there was no one to help, I had to attend on her and also attend to my official duties. One day when I went to see her in the hospital, there was a commotion around 8 p.m. or so near the bed opposite to that of my wife. 'Snake, snake' someone was shouting. As there was no stick to beat it with, they ran to bring the sweep-sticks. My wife's bed was the first near the entrance. The snake came near her bed, looked at her for a moment raising its hood, and then went out of the door into the darkness. A few minutes before this episode, my wife was feeling sad about her miscarriage and I was consoling her. 'Swami promised the daughter also' I told her, 'He will give. We had better pray to Him than feel sad'.

We both then said 'Sai Ram, Sai Ram' when the commotion started. I had a fleeting thought then, 'has Bhagavan come in this form?' That night I had a dream in the early hours. I was going by a cycle. Some building was under construction. Swami was there inspecting the progress of work. I got down my cycle, went near and bowed from a respectable distance. Swami came to me and said 'you call me, and when I come, you try to hit me and kill me. You don't know in which form I come. But don't worry. She will be alright'. He materialized vibhuti and gave me when the dream ended. My wife was discharged from the hospital a week after this.

In a few weeks later, she was again carrying. We were blessed with a daughter on March 18, 1988. Meanwhile, I got a house-site and got plans prepared for construction of a house. We all went to Prasanthi Nilayam to get the girl named by Bhagavan, and to get a haircut ceremonially for the child by Bhagavan. Besides, I wanted to get my house plans and a marble plaque carrying the name 'Sri Sathya Sai Nilayam' blessed by Bhagavan. The plaque was presented by my sister-in-law. After the birth of my daughter, I began to believe completely in Bhagavan and surrendered to him completely.

At Prasanthi Nilayam, I went to the market place and bought new scissors for the haircut of the child. 'When I buy, let me buy one that will be useful afterwards in the house also' I thought, and bought a big size scissors. For one week, Bhagavan did not do any of the three things we wanted Him to do. 'Swami' I came here with much expectation', I prayed to Him in my mind, 'if I go back without fulfilment, we will be a disappointed lot besides being a laughing stock there. So kindly do at least one of the three. I have to leave for Hyderabad as my leave is over'. Next morning Swami came direct to my wife and asked 'what do you want, Bangaroo!'

'Kindly name the child, Swami' my wife prayed.

'Male child or female?' Swami asked feigning innocence.

'Female child, Swami'.

'Call her Sai Latha' Swami said and blessed the child by placing His hand on her head. Then He moved on when my wife remembered about the ceremonial haircut.

'Swami' she made bold to call Him. No response. She called again 'Swami'. Swami turned back and came to her with an enquiring look.

'Puttuventrukalu, Swami' my wife prayed.

Swami held out His palm for scissors.

'For a small child with little hair, this big scissors!' Swami remarked and cut the hair of the child. He returned the scissors and moved on.

On the gents' side, I was in the third line. I requested those in the front row to hold my house plan and the plaque to get them blessed by Bhagavan. Who would agree to forego the opportunity to take padanamaskar by keeping things in both hands? However, a gentleman was kind enough to hold them. Swami came along and placed His Divine hand on the plaque and the plan below it for a few seconds and blessed. In those days it was all sand. After Swami moved on, I collected a fistful of sand from where Swami stood a few minutes earlier, with a view to placing the sacred sand in the foundation and slab. Thus, we returned happily to our place with all our three wishes fulfilled by compassionate Sai Mata.

Before coming to Prasanthi Nilayam, we had a function on the 21st day after the birth of our daughter to place her in the cradle for the first time. I took my daughter into my hands impulsively and went to the photograph of Bhagavan and offered the babe before Him for a few minutes praying, and then brought her back to be placed in the cradle. Since that moment, there has been complete transformation in me. I not only believe that Swami is God, but live with a sense of total surrender. When I go out, I pray before the photograph of Bhagavan for blessings. All my work will be successful and I return with a sense of satisfaction. Earlier, I used to be particular of certain things like mangalavaram and amavasya on which I used to avoid doing important things or journeys. Now, I only pray to Swami and start.

When I went to Rajahmundry for Godavari Pushkaras, I saw Sri Sathya Sai school there and decided to get my son admitted in it. But when we applied for admission in the VIII class, his name was not in the selected list. 'Kindly admit him in VII class, at least' I requested the Principal.

'But he already passed VII' the Principal was surprised.

'I want my boy to be a student of Swami's school' I replied, 'it does not matter if he has to lose a year'.

'Give it in writing' he said.

I gave it in writing and my son joined the school in VII.

I wanted to see Brindavan ashram, Whitefield. But how could I go to a new place without some company? 'Swami, I want to see Brindavan' I prayed in my mind, 'bless me'.

One day I had to plan a visit to Rajahmundry with my wife to pay some fee for my son. That night I had a dream. Swami appeared in the form of Lord Siva - jatajutam, serpents, and all; only the face was that of Swami. 'Take padanamaskar' Swami told me. I took. He materialised vibhuti and gave me. I ate it. He gave vibhuthi again. I ate it. He gave vibhuthi the third time and I ate it, too. 'First go to Whitefield' Swami told me, 'and then to Rajahmundry'. The dream ended. I was in a fix. I discussed with my wife, but we could not arrive at a decision. That day I had a phone call from Mr. Lakshma Reddy, a Sai devotee. 'Sivam people wanted us to send a batch for seva to Brindavan, Whitefield' he told me, 'we want to include you also. Can you join?'

'I will ring you back' I replied.

I discussed with my wife. She said 'may be this is Swami's arrangement. Go and come. After that, we can go to Rajahmundry'.

I conveyed to Mr. Reddy my acceptance. We went to Brindavan. Swami fulfilled my wish thus. We were in Whitefield for ten days. We took padanamaskar in the end.

I was told that Shirdi Sai was Siva and Swami is Arthanariswara. 'You have blessed me showing Siva form' I prayed in my mind, 'show me your Arthanariswara form also'.

I had a dream in which I saw swami emanating from Kanakadurga of Vijayawada, and taking the shape of Arthanariswara form. Behind His head was a brilliant aura rotating like a wheel of bright rays. Later, the form changed into Swami, and the dream ended.'

-- Mr. K.V.V.S.Prasad.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 15.11.2005.)