Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group VI | Mr. K.V. Lakshminarayana Reddy

Mr. K.V. Lakshminarayana Reddy,
Q.No. 448 / E, Sector-3,
Ukku Nagar, Visakhapatnam - 530 032

Tel: 0891-2516127

Mr. K.V. Lakshminaryana Reddy (36), an employee of the Visakha Steel Plant, narrates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'My father, Mr. Harinarayana Reddy was working in the Commercial Taxes Department. He had six daughters and was praying for a male issue. My parents were devotees of Bhagavan. They went to Whitefield in 1969. When Swami came along darshan lines, my father prayed for a male issue. Swami blessed him.

At my native place, Ravulapalem, my parents were doing bhajan. At the end of bhajan they found two new 25 paisa coins in the casket of vibhuti. When they asked the people that came to attend the bhajan if any of them had put the coins in the casket, the reply came in the negative. In 1970, my parents were blessed with twins - both boys. I am one of the two and the other is my brother, Sai Rama Reddy. My father could perform the marriages of two our sisters. After that he passed away.

'What did your Sai Baba do to you?' some of our relatives used to ask our mother, Mrs. Suseela.

'He knows what is good for us', my mother used to reply. She continued to repose her faith in Bhagavan. Owing to His grace, the marriages of all our remaining sisters could be performed. My brother and I got educated and employed. Only then, my mother, too, passed away after discharging her responsibilities. Marriages of my brother and mine were held on the same day, later.

In 1988, I came to Prasanthi Nilayam for the first time. Swami was sprinkling some holy water on devotees. I came from Tirupati to Puttaparthi with a freshly tonsured head on which a few drops of the holy water fell, causing thrill. I also attended a Discourse given by Swami at that time. Suddenly, I saw Bhagavan leave the mike in the middle of His speech and descend the dais. We could not see what He did, but soon He returned to the mike and resumed His Discourse. We learnt later that Swami had brought back to life one Mr. Bose of the Defence Services who collapsed while sitting on the stairs to the dais. I was stunned to know of that miracle.

In 1991, I came to Prasanthi Nilayam with 26 other young people. We came up to Dharmavaram by train and reached Prasanthi Nilayam by walk. Swami blessed us during darshan.

In January 1993, six of us came from Visakhapatnam to Prasanthi Nilayam by cycles. We estimated that we could cover the entire distance of 1100 kms in nine days. But, somehow, we reached on the tenth day. We did not tell anybody that we wanted to cover the distance in nine days. Swami came to us during darshan and asked 'why were you late by one day?' We were amazed. Then He added 'wait! I will call you.'

He called us for interview. There were a few overseas devotees and Sri Bhattam Srirama Murthy, an ex-Minister. He came with his nephew. Swami pointed out to an overseas devotee and asked us if we knew him. Then He told us 'he is Mr. Samuel Sandwich, the famous writer.' Swami materialized earrings for the daughters of Mr. Sandwich and told them 'wear them now'. They were so overwhelmed with joy that tears were rolling down their cheeks as they wore them.

Suddenly Swami turned towards a young man and asked 'what, watching films? No studies? Study well!' Swami then materialized a watch and asked us 'what time is it?' '7:20, Swami' we chorused. The watch was showing the time of some foreign country. Swami then jerked the watch softly. Its time came to 7:20.' Take this' He told the young man, 'wear this. When you do something wrong, the watch will stop moving.'

He then turned to us. He asked one of us, 'what makes you so egoistic? What is our earth compared to the universe? What is India compared to the world? What is Andhra Pradesh compared to India? What is Visakhapatnam district compared to the State? What is Vizag town compared to the district? What are you compared to the town? What makes you feel egoistic when you should feel humble?'

Then Swami remarked 'you are six like arishadvarga. Overcome them. You must be like Lakshmana, obedient brother of Rama; be willing to serve always.'

'Swami' we pleaded showing one of us, 'he suffers from stammering and is unemployed.'

'Had he not been so' Swami quipped, 'he would have ruled Vizag, ok. All that will get adjusted.' After a few weeks, he got a good job and settled well in life. Strangely, he has not been stammering when he sings bhajans. But in worldly conversation, he stammers though as much as earlier. Swami looked at one of us and said 'He is Ambarisha in devotion, but Doorvasa in anger.' He turned to another and said 'I saved you twice when you tried to commit suicide due to love affairs. Be careful. Listen to the advice of your parents and marry a good girl. Respect your parents. They are gods in person.'

One of us was 26 years old. He asked Swami 'pray help me settle in life.'

'First settle down in spirituality. It will settle you in the world as well.' He took a slate and wrote Aum on it and asked that person to write on the same line He wrote as if He was doing aksharabhyasam.

There was a young man from Hyderabad who was also called for the interview. Swami told him 'you think you love the Muslim girl. You are a Brahmin. She wants non-vegetarian food daily. You like your dhal. How can you get on? First convince your parents, and then marry with their consent. Wait till they are convinced.'

Swami gave all six of us from Vizag new clothes and Rs. 500 each as stitching charges. We preserved the notes duly framed. We got the dresses stitched in Puttaparthi and went for darshan in new clothes on the day of Sankranthi.

In 1993, we came from Visakhapatnam again on cycles. This time our group bulged to 34. When we came to Dharmavaram, we began to talk among ourselves with a little pride that we could cycle up to Dharmavaram happily. Then we met a group of 27 coming by walk. When we asked them from where they are coming, they said, 'from Mumbai'.

'By walk!'

'Yes!' they replied, 'we have been doing so once a year for the last 18 years!'

Our pride blew off like a balloon when pinned.

As we cycled towards Puttaparthi, we used to say, now and then, 'Puttaparthi is coming!'

When we sat in the darshan line, Swami came to us and remarked: 'Puttaparthi is not coming anywhere. It was you that were coming to Puttaparthi.' We were amazed at the omniscience of Swami.

In 1994, we again came on cycles. This time we did nagarsankeerthan and bhajan in the villages en-route, and distributed used clothes to the poor.

When we told Swami about our service in the mental hospital at Visakhapatnam, Swami said 'santhosham'.

In 1995, we came again in a group of more than 200. We arranged video shows, nagarsankeerthan and bhajans in the villages en-route. Swami talked to us, and presented watches to all of us. He gave us all new clothes with stitching charges. 'It is Vimal Cloth' Swami said, 'good quality.' We all prevailed upon the local tailors at Puttaparthi, got stitched them and wore them for Sankranthi during darshan time.

In 1996 we came by scooters. Swami told us, 'how anxious your parents would be for your safety. Stop coming here by cycles and scooters.'

Thenceforth, we stopped coming by cycles or scooters.'

-- Mr. K.V. Lakshminarayana Reddy

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 29.01.2006)