Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group IV | Mr. K.S. Murthy

Mr. K.S. Murthy,
10-3-32 / 9 / 49, Sai Shree,
East Maredpally, Secunderabad - 500 026.

Tel: 040-2773 0404 / 2773 4567
E-mail: sai_kolluri@hotmail.com

Mr. K.S. Murthy (81), M.E.E. (Cornell), retired Director of Technical Education, Government of Madhya Pradesh, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'Today I am a dependent on Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. I was fortunate to have the guidance and blessings of Swami Sivananda of the Divine Life Society, Rishikesh from 1953 to 1963 - till He merged in God.

In 1958, I became a devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba. In 1972, I joined Sri Sathya Sai Organisation in Ujjain, after getting convinced that Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is Shirdi Sai in His previous incarnation.

From then till today I have considered Sri Sathya Sai Baba as an Avatar (incarnation of God) like Sri Rama and Sri Krishna. Sri Sathya Sai Baba's teachings have impressed me even more than His miracles, such as producing vibhuti, chains, lockets, rings, etc by the wave of His hand. Howard Murphet's book 'Man of Miracles' impressed me, too.

I have personally known an educated person having many bad habits (not decent to mention them) getting transformed into a very good gentleman with worthy discipline, with the grace of Bhagavan.

As the Principal of the Engineering college at Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh, I had to face a very rough time, as the students those days were very unruly, used to damage buses, fight with the other college students, and so on. Sometimes I had no solution to prevent or stop these quarrels. Then I used to pray to Bhagavan. Within 15 minutes, I used to get a phone call that matters were settled amicably.

Similarly, in the Jabalpur Engineering College, with about 1800 students in 1977-78, I, as the Principal of the college, had to face a difficult situation on one occasion. The students were about to take a procession to the Collector's office. The Superintendent of Police telephoned to me stating that the students were most likely to rampage during their procession, and I should stop it. I prayed to Bhagavan, and my subsequent talk with the student leaders was successful. The strike was averted. The SP called it a miracle.

In Jabalpur, I was returning in a bus after attending a bhajan. I found that a mini van was behind the bus and trying to overtake it. But the driver of our bus was blocking it for nearly a kilometre. When the bus stopped near my residence, I got down and, after walking four steps towards the residence, I looked back to see the van. Lo! The van was moving in front of our bus. Overtaking the bus, the van almost went over me! It was just a miraculous escape for me, owing to Bhagavan's grace.

I was with my wife in New Orleans, USA in the year 1994, staying with my elder son. One day their pet dog, Rocky suddenly got choked; my son rang up emergency services without response. Everybody was worried; my granddaughter asked me (desperate she was) to pray to Bhagavan. I remembered that I had vibhuti, and I immediately applied a little on the forehead of the dog. Within ten seconds, it started jumping and barking. What a relief we had!

We have been staying in Maredpally, Secunderabad for the past fifteen years. We have general shortage of water in this area. We manage, with great difficulty, supplementing the municipal water supply with our jet pump. About eight years ago, suddenly the jet pump gave us no water. We thought that the ground water had dried up. As we were thinking what to do, a Sai devotee came to our house to invite us for his son's marriage; my wife told him about our predicament. He said 'why worry, put Bhagavan's vibhuti in the pipe and pray to Him'. We did so and switched on the pump. We were excited when we suddenly got water from the pump. Till today our pump has not subsequently failed.

Now I am 81 years old carrying a sick, delicate body. It is purely Bhagavan's grace that keeps me moving, though with difficulty sometimes. My family and I owe wholly to Bhagavan for what we have been and are today.'

-- Mr. K.S. Murthy.

(The above is extracted from the write-up sent by Mr. K.S. Murthy of Secunderabad to Sri Sathya Sai Veda Pratishtan at Prasanthi Nilayam)