Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group III | Mr.I.V.L.Subrahmanyam

Mr. I.V.L. Subrahmanyam
Korada Veedhi
Srikurmam – 532 404
Tel: 08942-283378

Mr. I.V.L. Subrahmanyam (45), a purohit, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

‘I had Darshan of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in August 2004 at Prasanthi Nilayam. That was the first time for me to see Swami. That time I came late and sat in token lines. Everyone was saying that as I was late I would miss the opportunity to have Darshan from close quarters. I sat praying to Bhagavan. Miraculously, I got token No.1 and could sit in the front line. That day Swami blessed me with excellent Darshan.

I wrote a letter to Swami. At that time there was no bhajanmandali at Srikurmam. I prayed to Swami for a bhajanmandali there. My daughter is studying B.Sc. She is now in II year. I prayed to Swami in my letter for her marriage and a job. I hesitated to give the letter, as I was new to the system here. On going back to my place, I found that things moved unexpectedly. We started nagarasankeerthan with only two, a co-devotee and myself. We started to do bhajan. Soon a bhajanmandali was formed. Within one month after I had written the letter to Swami, though undelivered, the bhajanmandali was recognized.

Earlier in June 2004, we tried for admission of my daughter, Gayathri into B.Sc. in the women’s college, Srikakulam. There was keen competition. Marks obtained by my daughter seemed inadequate to secure a seat on merit. I prayed to Bhagavan for a seat for my daughter. Owing to His grace, my daughter got a seat. I had to pay fees, etc. I had no money with me. Again I prayed to Bhagavan, ‘you have given the seat. Should she lose it for want of money?’ That day I happened to run into a Sai devotee. His daughter also got a seat in the women’s college.

‘What use?’ I told him, ‘I have no money to pay the fee even though my daughter has got a seat’.

‘Don’t worry’, he said, ‘I will loan you the money’. When he went home and checked, he found that he had money just enough to pay the fees of my daughter and his daughter only.’

-- Mr. I.V.L. Subrahmanyam.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 21.04.2005)