Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mr. H.K. Bhaskara Prabhu

Mr. H.K. Bhaskara Prabhu
South 1- A 33, Prasanthi Nilayam - 515134

Mr. H.K.B Prabhu (79), who was earlier in transport business, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'Our ancestral place is Hariharpur where there is a Mutt, and Saradamba Peeth. My mother hails from Sringeri - the abode of Sarada Devi, and the seat of Sarada Peetham established by Adi Sankara.

We shifted to Shimoga where I started lorry transport business with a partner. I incurred loss. When I was in difficulties, one of my friends advised me to go to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. So in 1960, I came to Prasanthi Nilayam for the first time. Swami was kind enough to call me for interview.

'What do you want?' Swami asked.

'Your grace, Swami!' I replied.

'You will have it fully'. Swami said smiling, 'don't worry. Everything will be ok. I am with you, beside you and behind you.'

On return, I found things getting improved. I changed the partner. Lorry transport business with which I was associated became remunerative. I was comfortable with what I was earning.

In 1966, I visited Prasanthi Nilayam again. Swami called me for interview. Even before I opened my mouth, Swami told me, 'you have come for your son'. True. I was worried about my son at that time.

'Don't worry', Swami said, 'I will see'.

After that I have not had any trouble from my son.

In April 1975, I was in the market when I had heart attack. I did not know at that time the nature of my problem. Some one put me on a rickshaw and took me to a local doctor. Before I was moved, I requested for a pinch of vibhuti and some water. I mixed vibhuti with water and drank. Later, I was shifted to a hospital where it was diagnosed as heart attack. I was in hospital for 24 days and was discharged. I took medication for sometime but began to rely only on vibhuti. By Swami's grace, I have not had any problem with my heart again.

In 1988, I went to Swami's Mandir in Shimoga for Bhajan. After Bhajan I was returning home. Suddenly, I fell ill. Some one who knew me happened to be passing that way. He took me back to the Mandir from where I was taken to Ravi Clinic. There I was advised to go to Manipal for brain surgery.

The doctors there examined me and told my brother, 'he has brain tumor which has to be removed surgically. If surgery is not done immediately, he might not survive for more than a year.'

They made all preparations for the surgery. Just at that time all my people had to attend the marriage of my brother's daughter.

I thought that it was not worthwhile to undergo surgery. 'What, if I collapse on the operation table? If I have to die, let me die only at Prasanthi Nilayam.' So I cancelled the surgery proposal and went to attend the marriage along with our people.

When I returned to Shimoga, Dr. Sivaramakrishna, who had earlier advised me to go to Manipal and undergo surgery, was surprised to see me.

'Did you not undergo surgery?' he asked.

'No', I replied, 'I want to go to a bigger Doctor'.

'Who is that bigger Doctor?'

'Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba!'

Dr. Sivaramakrishna, who is also a Sai devotee, gave me medicines and said, 'very well! Go to Baba'.

That is how I happened to come to Prasanthi Nilayam in 1990. Later I went on a tour of pilgrimage along with the famous scientist, Dr. B.N.Srikantaiah. He was not only a scientist, but also well versed in Vedic lore. Besides, he is an ardent devotee of Bhagavan. From Prayaga we went to Kasi. There we discovered that we had kept our money at Calcutta in the house of Dr. Srikantaiah's daughter.

He and I began discussing on our next course of action. 'Only Bhagavan can help us', we thought. To our surprise, a panda (purohit) who came to perform rites at Kasi said, 'don't worry sir, what all you need, I will advance'. He not only brought provisions for the rites but also performed the rites; he even paid for our local transport. He gave a letter of introduction to his counterpart at Gaya. We had no problem at all by Swami's grace.

In the very first interview, Swami told me, 'I will be with you, beside you and behind you'. True to His word, He saw to it that we were not put to any inconvenience. We could perform Rudrabhishekam in the Visweswara Temple at Kasi as well as in the Pasupathinatha Temple in Khatmandu, Nepal.

While returning from Nepal to Calcutta by air, our plane encountered a serious problem. The wheels of the aircraft did not open. It could have been a serious accident. I did not know about it at that time. I was told so after we landed safely, owing to God's grace.

In 1990, I wanted to buy a house at Puttaparthi. I thought that it would be good if Swami allotted a flat for me in the Mandir. After a few days, I sat with a letter in my hand for house allotment in the Darshan lines. I enclosed a Demand Draft for the said allotment, as advised by fellow devotees. Swami came, gave me Padanamaskar and took the letter. On His way back, He was kind enough to give me Padanamaskar again.

I learnt later that Swami had wanted the allotment to be made to me in Sravan only, and not in Ashadh as many would not like to enter a new house in Ashadh. I wondered gratefully how meticulously Swami takes care of us and plans ahead everything for us.

I had dreams several times, in which Swami appeared. Usually He showed Abhaya Hasta before the dream each time ended. If I survive today, in spite of suffering from heart and brain ailments of serious nature, disregarding medical advice for surgery, it is only due to His grace.'

-- Mr. H.K.B.Prabhu

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 28.09.2004.)