Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group IV | Mr. G. Prabhakar Rao

Mr. G.Prabhakar Rao,
S1, Select House,
10-3-2, Entrenchment Road,
East Maredpalli, Secunderabad - 500 026

Tel: 040-27733800

Mr. G. Prabhakar Rao (64), who retired as Assistant Manager, Vigilance, Tata Steel Ltd, Jemshedpur, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I heard about Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba first in 1961 from my brother (late) Dr. G.V.L.N.Murthy. At that time, I was learning music at Vijayawada. One day I thought of visiting Puttaparthi. I went to Guntur and from there by train to Dronachalam. In the train, I happened to meet another person who was also going to Puttaparthi. We caught a bus at Dronachalam to Bukkapatnam where we arrived at 2 p.m. From there we had to walk up to Puttaparthi. I saw a water tap near mandir and was wondering if I could take my bath there. Then I felt a hand touch me on my shoulder. When I turned back, Swami was there in person.

'Bangaru! You can take your bath at the tap and then come for bhajan', Swami told me.

I went and sat in the mandir after taking bath, and attended bhajan. Swami called me next morning for interview. There were others also.

'What are you doing?' Swami asked me.

'Learning music, Swami', I replied.

'No, music is not your cup of tea', Swami told me; later, He told me, 'you will have a son'. I was there for four or five days. I think Swami called me for interview at least four or five times. When I told Him that Mr. Mangalampalli Balamuralikrishna was the Principal of our music college, Swami gave me a few packets of vibhuti and said, 'keep some for you and give a few to Balamurali Krishna who is convulsing after surgery'. I was not aware of Mr. Balamularikrishna having undergone surgery till Swami mentioned it.

Then Swami was waving His hand in circles to materialise something. He waved his hand two or three times and put some thing He materialised in the fold of my shirt sleeve saying, 'keep it'. The person who came with me to Prasanthi Nilayam was also there for four or five days. We began our return journey together. 'Has Swami given you anything?' I asked.

'No', he replied.

So, Baba gave me alone something. I remembered what my mother used to say, 'don't believe sadhus and Babas. They give things and mesmerise you'. I was apprehensive of keeping what Baba had given me. In fact, I did not even look at it. I took it out. It was a locket with Lord Siva and Shirdi Sai's pictures, I think. I don't remember exactly what pictures were there.

'Take this', I told the person who journeyed with me to Prasanthi Nilayam, 'if it helps you in any way'. He took it gladly. He got down at Nandyal. I felt relieved that the locket was no longer with me.

After returning to Vijayawada, I gave vibhuti packets to Mr. Balamuralikrishna and told him that I was giving up music learning. He was not happy, but there was nothing he could do to keep me in the music college. I requested my brother to find some employment for me. He wired me to come to Jemshedpur. Then I had a doubt, 'is it worth going all the way to Jemshedpur for that petty job?' That night I had a dream. Swami appeared in the dream and looked at me severely and gestured, 'go ahead' by moving His eye brows and head. So I went to Jemshedpur. In August 1965, I became an employee of the Tata Steel in which company I worked till I voluntarily retired as the Assistant manager, Vigilance.

In 1965, I came to Prasanthi Nilayam. Swami called me for interview.

'How is Jemshedpur?' Swami asked. I was amazed. I didn't yet open my mouth. How did He know that I was working at Jemshedpur?

'How is your brother's house?' Swami asked.

I replied suitably. Then I broached the subject of the locket He had given me. He cut me short before I could tell Him what I did, saying 'I know. It does not matter'.

Then He began to wave His hand in circles as if to materialise something. Suddenly I caught hold of His middle finger. Everyone was shocked. Swami, however, kept His cool. Far from being annoyed, he showed His empty palms to me. Then He pushed His robe sleeves above His ankles and then waved again. A photo-print came into His hand. It was still wet as if it was just developed in the studio. It is a photograph of Swami bearing His name and address. I still have it with me.

In 1963, I was blessed with a son. We named him Anand. We came to Prasanthi Nilayam in 1967 with the new born when my son was in his fourth year. Swami called us for interview.

'Janaki (my wife) is like Sita but Prabhakar is short-tempered', Swami remarked. Then He added, 'you have a son and you will have a daughter also'.

'No! Swami', I said, 'it is difficult to raise them'.

'You need a daughter to perform kanyadanam', Swami told me, 'Jnana- putrika will be born to you'.

'Swami!', I prayed to Him, 'we propose to have aksharabhyasam for my son'.

'Get a slate and slate-pencil tomorrow', Swami told me, 'I will do it'.

When Swami called us for interview that day, my sister who came with us to Prasanthi Nilayam also accompanied us to the interview room presuming that we were called as a group. Swami, who was at the entrance allowed my wife, my son and me, but stopped her.

'My sister, Swami!' I pleaded.

'I know', Swami replied but did not allow her.

As soon as we came out, we went and tried to console my sister. But she did not appear to have been ruffled by her not being permitted to enter. When we told her about Swami's assurance to do aksharabhyasam to Anand next morning, she remarked, 'tomorrow is Ashtami. How would He do it on Ashtami?'

Next morning we went with slate and slate-pencil. Swami did not even look at us. We were non-plussed. When we came out of the Darshan lines, we thought that Swami might have forgotten. In those days Swami used to take food in the room on the first floor opposite to His. Devotees used to wait outside mandir for a glimpse of Bhagavan when He went to the dining hall and back. As Swami was returning to His room after food, He paused on the balcony. Looking straight into my eyes Swami said, 'I have not forgotten. I will do it tomorrow'. I was stunned. It was as if He was replying to my comment that He had forgotten what He had said. Next morning Swami wrote 'Aum' on the new slate and performed aksharabhyasam to my son Anand.

'Be always Ananda', Swami exhorted the boy, 'you will come up in studies well'.

True to Bhagavan's blessings, Anand became a Chartered Accountant.

On November 1, 1971, we were blessed with a daughter, Sridevi. Both my children studied in Swami's colleges.

I came to Brindavan in 1981 to admit my son in Inter class. But I was told that there were no seats. So I proceeded to Prasanthi Nilayam to pray to Swami personally. When Swami was coming along Darshan lines, I prayed to Swami, 'I want to admit my son in Brindavan in Swami's college'.

'Meet the Principal', Swami said and moved on.

I felt disappointed. 'The Principal said that there are no seats. And Swami tells me to meet him. What is this tamasha?' I felt irked and decided to go to Vijayawada and admit my son there. At the bus stand, we saw a bus that had arrived just then. The driver alighted, and I went to him to enquire about bus timings to Vijayawada.

'Are you from Jemshedpur?' he asked me, 'I attended a bhajan in your house when I was in training there.' It turned out that he was not a driver, but an official of the RTC who drove the bus himself as there was shortage of drivers then. He pressed me to go to Brindavan and meet the Principal as bid by Swami.

'My father, Mr. Ramabrahmam is the caretaker of Brindavan ashram there. I will give him a letter. Go and meet him', he told me.

I returned to Brindavan and met Mr Ramabrahmam who received me politely but refused to interfere. When I was coming out, I noticed buntings.

'What are the buntings for?' I asked a sevedal on sentry duty there.

'To welcome Bhagavan who came today', he replied.

I was surprised. Just then a member of the college management there came and saw me. 'Why are you still lingering here? We told you there are no seats', he said. I kept quiet. He went in. After some time he emerged. Calling me with a smile, he said: 'you can leave your boy with us tomorrow morning and go'. My son was admitted later. I came to know that Swami had asked him to give my son a seat.

One day Swami asked my son, 'What do you propose to do after graduation?

'My parents want me to do CA, Swami!' he replied.

'OK', Swami assented.

Anand joined CA course. At the time of his final exams, he was down with fever and had to travel from Jemshedpur to Kolkata by train to take his exams there.

'When I went to the exam hall, I was so weak that I could not write a few lines. But the moment I put the pen on paper, it began to run as if some one had caught hold of my hand and was writing for me. I am sure Swami wrote the exam for me'.

No need to add that he passed the exam with good marks. By Swami's grace, he is presently in a good position.

After taking voluntary retirement, we shifted to our house I had bought twelve years ago. Soon we realized that Bhagavan, in His grace, brought us to an enclave of Sai environment. In fact, Swami visited the house of Mr. Ucchile Anand, our neighbour, a day before laying the foundation stone to Sivam at Hyderabad. Thus the entire enclave has been sanctified by the Divine visit.

-- Mr. G. Prabhakar Rao

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 19.06.2005)