Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Mr. G.Mohan Rao

Mr. G.Mohan Rao
Nagarjuna Grameena Bank
10-6-95 / 10, Burahanpuram
Khammam - 507 001
Tel: 08742-221965

Mr. G.Mohan Rao (49), an employee of Nagarjuna Grameena Bank, relates some of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I had the good fortune to be at Prasanthi Nilayam for Guru Poornima in 1992. That was my first visit to Prasanthi Nilayam. The Divine discourse of Bhagavan delivered on that auspicious occasion moved me very much. Since then I have been coming to Prasanthi Nilayam often. My wife and sons come for seva also.

I came to Prasanthi Nilayam in August 2002. Our elder son, Harigopal applied for visa in June 2002 to go to the USA after receiving his BE degree. But the application was rejected. I brought my wife and sons to Prasanthi Nilayam that time. My two sons and I sat in Darshan lines with letters. Swami did not take the letters on August 14, 15 and 16. He took all the three letters on the 17th.

At that time my brother, Lakshminarayana was suffering from paralysis for about two months. I wrote in my letter about his health and prayed to Bhagavan to cure him. Within one month, the leg of my brother returned to normal activity. In another ten days, he could use his hand. In another month he could talk. Thus all the three organs leg, hand and speech paralyzed were restored owing to Swami's grace miraculously after Swami had taken the letter from me.

Our elder son wrote, in his letter, about visa to the USA and the second one prayed for grace of Bhagavan. Though Swami took the letter from our elder son, his application made again in 2002 was rejected on December 19, 2002. He was disappointed. Earlier, I persuaded him successfully to write the GATE exam. Being overconfident about his visa, he did not take much interest. Yet owing to Swami's grace, he scored high grade of 98.

During 2002, he came to Prasanthi Nilayam for seva twice. He used to do seva regularly in Sivam, Hyderabad, too. After seva, Swami arranged distribution of Vibhuti to them. In those days I used to suffer from pain in the hand and shoulder. I used to apply vibhuti given by Swami to my son. The pain used to subside immediately (though it recurred on occasions).

In those days, the wife of one of my colleagues in the Bank was suffering from breast cancer. At Guntur and at the Cancer Hospital, Hyderabad, it was diagnosed as cancer after doing prescribed tests. She was admitted in the Cancer Hospital, Hyderabad for surgery. I gave one packet of vibhuti brought by my son to my colleague. Before the patient was taken into the operation theatre the vibhuti was applied on her forehead. After the surgery, the cyst that was removed was sent for biopsy. While earlier two biopsies done at Guntur and at Hyderabad confirmed cancer, the result of this biopsy showed no presence of cancer cells! The advance of Rs. 40,000 paid by them to the Hospital was also refunded. She has since recovered, and has been healthy now owing to Swami's grace.

Our elder son, after return from seva at Prasanthi Nilayam, applied to several colleges for a seat in M.Tech. He applied to the Chaitanya Bharati Institute of Technology, Hyderabad also. There was one seat under experienced people's quota. There was a break of two years after he took his degree. So he got selected miraculously under that category.

Out of the 13 seats, 12 seats were given to those qualified in the GATE. Though my son had a high grade in the GATE, he was selected under 'experienced' (Non-GATE) quota. The 13th candidate was a S.T. who was a Non-GATE candidate. Government of India give stipend to 13 students qualified in the GATE. Our son has been included for stipend as he too got GATE qualification though his selection was in the Non-GATE category. If the 13th candidate was qualified in the GATE, our son would not have got the stipend of Rs. 5000 per month. It has all been Swami's subtle arrangement.

Our second son, Prasanth who took his BE degree also applied for visa. Meanwhile, he was selected for MBA in Swami's Institute at Puttaparthi most unexpectedly. He preferred this to studies in the USA, and did not attend to the interview for visa. Earlier, he came for seva for Sivaratri in 2003.

Before our sons have been settled thus, I had two dreams one each on a different day during 2003. During the year, I could come to Prasanthi Nilayam six times. In the first dream, Bhagavan appeared and asked me, 'what do you want?' I replied, 'your grace, Swami!' Bhagavan poured vibhuti into my hands, which overflowed my hands. Some of it fell on the floor. When I tried to take it, Bhagavan said, 'wait' and removed that vibhuti also and poured into my hands. My wife was sleeping then (in the dream). I woke her up saying, 'see! Bhagavan came and gave us vibhuti'. The dream ended.

In the second dream, too, Bhagavan appeared. Earlier, my wife used to say 'many people are saying that they had Padanamaskar; we have not had so far. We have to get next time at least'. Swami came in my dream and reclined; I began to press His feet. This went on for one hour and a half without break. Then Bhagavan asked, 'are you satisfied?' The dream ended.'

-- Mr. G.Mohan Rao.

(As narrated to Mr. B.Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 07.07.2004.)