Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Mr. Chintalapati Ranga Raju

Mr. Chintalapati Ranga Raju
D. No.21-10 / 4-36 E
4th Lane, Srinagar
Vijayawada - 520 011
Tel: 0866-2535447
E-mail: rrchintalapati@yahoo.co.in

Mr. Chintalapati Ranga Raju, a senior employee of the Postal Department, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I participated for the first time in Sri Sathya Sai Jyothi Programme and Bhajans for 76 days and reached Prasanthi Nilayam on March 5, 2001. Till then, I did not know anything about Bhagavan even though I was hearing about Him and seeing His Photographs here and there. In fact, I had a miraculous experience as far back as 1991, but I could not visit Prasanthi Nilayam however much I longed to see Swami.

In 1998, my wife suffered from tumor on her breast. The Doctor suspected it to be malignant, and wanted to wait for sometime for confirmation before he could take up further treatment. He prescribed some medicines as preliminary course.

One day, one of my friends gave a pinch of vibhuti to me. 'Swami gave me this vibhuti in Kodaicanal', he told me, 'mix this with some more vibhuti and give your wife a little everyday'. We did accordingly. In six months, the tumor healed. When we took her for a check-up, the Doctor was surprised. Then the Doctor told us, 'I did not tell you, but I had diagnosed it as cancer. I am really surprised that it has healed so soon'. We thanked Bhagavan for sending us vibhuti through my friend and healing the malignant tumor. After that our desire to visit Prasanthi Nilayam intensified further, but the opportunity to do so came our way only in March 2001.

I had my return ticket booked for March 7. My friends told me, that day 'cancel your ticket. Swami may call us for interview tomorrow or day after'. 'I wanted to have Darshan of Bhagavan,' I told them, 'I had it. Now let me go back according to my programme, as I have work!' Still I cancelled my ticket and stayed on.

On the morning of March 8, we all went for Darshan. After Darshan, word came that Swami would grant us all, who came from Vijayawada, separate Darshan in Sai Kulwant Hall. We were all made to sit separately. Swami came along and gave us all Padanamaskar.

He stopped by me and asked, 'what are you doing?' 'I am working in the Postal Department, Swami!' I replied. I was flabbergasted that God came to me in person and was enquiring. 'You don't like that job at all' Swami told me with a smile.

'True, Swami!' I replied, 'I don't like it. I wanted to resign and set up some business. Swami! You gave me Darshan in my dream in 1991. I am able to have your Darshan in person now after a decade'.

'What are you saying?' asked Swami.

I repeated. Swami smiled.

'Swami! Education of my children…..', I began.

'You are doing your efforts. Some unexpected impediments come in the way. Don't worry. I am here to look after you', assured Swami. I took Padanamaskar.

'Do you wear if I give you some thing?' Swami asked.

'Your grace, Swami!' I replied. Swami waved His hand. I thought he was materializing vibhuti and held my hands. Swami materialized a diamond ring and put it on my finger, Himself taking my hand into His. Swami gave me Padanamaskar again. I fell on His feet. He placed His hand on my head when I went into an ecstatic state forgetting where I was.

He gave me the same experience, which He had bestowed on me when He gave Darshan in my dream in 1991. At that time I did not know about Swami or about Prasanthi Nilayam. I did not think much about Swami. It was in January 1991. I do not remember the date. I had a dream in the early hours. Swami appeared in my dream. He was standing by the side of a Sivalinga, which was taller than Him. It was so bright that I could not stand that brilliance and fell on His feet. Swami placed His hand on my head just as He did now at Prasanthi Nilayam. 'I know when you will come to Puttaparthi', Swami told me keeping His hand on my head. I awoke to find myself perspiring heavily.

Though it was winter, I had to put on the fan. I put on the light, too. My wife awoke, and saw me perspiring heavily. I was in an ecstatic state, and was not in a position to explain what had happened.

She placed her hand on my forehead and said. 'No fever, why are you perspiring like that?' 'Nothing', I replied, 'you go to sleep'. Next day I told her about my dream. At Prasanthi Nilayam I had the same thrilling, ecstatic experience which I had experienced that night. How I fell on Swami's feet, how He placed His hand on my head, how I felt the thrill and ecstasy - all that happened on the morning at 9 a.m. on that Thursday, the 8th March, 2001 as it had happened in 1991 in my dream.

Later, I went to Tirumala with our family members. We had Darshan of Lord Venkateswara and returned happily. After about a fortnight, one of my friends came to me and said, 'we are all going to Tirupati. I reserved the ticket for you also'.

'Only a few days back, we were at Tirupati', I replied, 'you leave me out'.

'Nothing doing', he said, 'you are coming. That's all'.

I had to go again to Tirupati. On April 7 we were in the temple in the early hours for archana. I had the good fortune to stand very near the idol of Lord Venkateswara and look at the Lord from close quarters. Sridevi and Bhudevi are to be on the chest of the Lord. But I could not find them. In their place I noticed Sri Sathya Sai and Sri Shirdi Sai. I was staring at the Lord as long as I was permitted to stand there, and I saw only Sri Sathya Sai and Sri Shirdi Sai on the Lord's chest. I cannot describe my feelings in words. I realized that Swami had brought me again to Tirupati only to demonstrate this.

My elder son Srikanth had passed his B.E. degree exam. He could not get a job for about 3 years in spite of our best efforts. I used to remember the words of assurance of Swami uttered to me on March 8, 2001, 'I will look after. Don't worry'. He told me these words while blessing me with the fortune of darshan, sparshan and sambhashan. True to His word, Swami helped. With the help of a Sai devotee, my son got a job in a Software Company.

My younger son Srinivasa Raju is doing III year BE with the blessings of Bhagavan.'

-- Mr. Ch Ranga Raju

(As stated in a letter to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao from Vijayawada on 30.08.2004.)