Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group IV | Mr. C.V. Parameswara Panicker

Mr. C.V. Parameswara Panicker,
Chenneckal Madom Gouri Bhavan,
Kalarcode, Alleppy - 688 003,

Tel: 0477-2268814

Mr. C.V. Parameswara panicker (59), retired senior executive of a Government of India paper mill, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba came to Alleppy in the sixties. That time, I was a student of upper primary classes. That is when I first heard about Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

As I grew up, I slowly drifted away from Swami. In fact, I became antagonist and critic of Him, and even called Him a liar.

Strange are the ways of Swami. In 1976, I was married, and my wife Mrs. Padma Devi has been an ardent devotee of Bhagavan. My father-in-law, Mr. Karunakaran was also a devotee of Bhagavan. However, I did not change much in spite of the influence my wife and in-laws tried to bring on me. I could not reconcile myself with the claim of swami's devotees that He is poornavatara.

In 1987, my friend, Mr. Srikanthan Nair, a devotee of Bhagavan, used to tell me about the life and message of Swami. He also gave me some books. After going through them, I became a devotee of Bhagavan.

But, till 2003, I could not visit Prasanthi Nilayam for some reason or the other. In December 2003, after retirement, we decided to come here with family, and made railway reservations also for December 23. Earlier to the date of our proposed journey, my eldest daughter, Ms. Sreelakshmi and my wife went to bed. My daughter was doing meditation and my wife was in joyful mood because her long cherished desire of Parthi yatra was going to materialise. Just then, a light in round shape appeared to her on the wall before her. In the middle of that light, she saw Bhagavan smiling at her. She was amazed and tried to alert my daughter to witness the miracle. But my daughter could not open her eyes at once, absorbed in meditation. When she opened her eyes, the light in round shape was still there on the wall though Swami's face disappeared. We all thought that this vision granted by Bhagavan was a good augury for our Parthi yatra.

We arrived at Prasanthi Nilayam in the last week of December 2003. It was our first visit to the place. I saw here many people coming from different states and doing seva voluntarily. I was much impressed, and prayed to Bhagavan in my mind during darshan, 'Swami! Give me an opportunity to serve you and to visit your Divine Abode again.'

After my return to our place, I received a phone call from the local Sri Sathya Sai Samithi, 'we are sending a team of volunteers to Prasanthi Nilayam for seva. Would you care to join?' I was immensely happy. I thought that Swami had responded to my prayer, and gave me this opportunity. So I came again to the Divine Abode, this time for seva. I could have darshan of Bhagavan during my stay of eight days here from close quarters.

Owing to Swami's grace, I had an opportunity to come for seva in March 2004 also. This time, I stayed for 15 days. But the timings of our duty were such that we could not go for darshan. One day, I was going to the canteen for breakfast. On the way I was remarking with a colleague that I could not get darshan of swami because of the duty timings. I finished my breakfast and came out of the canteen. I was surprised to find Swami's car coming. As I stood on one side of the road, the car which was moving slowly came to me and paused for a couple of seconds in front of me. I could have darshan of Swami from close quarters to my heart's content. I was amazed at the way Bhagavan responded to me, and granted darshan as soon as I stepped out of the canteen.

While I continued in seva, there was heavy rain one day. Our duty was from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. and again from 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. We used to go out and have tea near the Ganesh gate before we joined duty at 1 a.m. That night, we could not go out for tea due to rain. After an hour, my colleague and I were talking about not having tea that night. 'Now we realise the value of a cup of tea', we jocularly remarked. It was 2:30 a.m. at that time. We were on duty at R4. Then, one tall and handsome gentleman came down the steps of the building. He had a tray in his hand, with two cups of tea. The cups also were large and the tea was steaming hot. 'My friends!' he told us, 'have tea'. We were pleasantly surprised. We thanked Bhagavan for sending us tea at that unearthly hour in heavy rain. We thought that it was Swami who had come in that form to give us tea. Our Sai Mata is so caring for us!

My son, Mr. Jaykrishnan applied for a job in a star hotel after completing a course in Hotel Management. He was selected. 'Report to duty tomorrow', he was told by the management. But at that time, we made railway reservations to go to Prasanthi Nilayam with family. What to do? This was in December 2003. My son explained the position to the Personnel Manager.

'Sorry, I don't think we can allow time', he said, 'if you don't report to duty, the chance would go to the next guy in waiting'. My son was upset. He prayed to Bhagavan and tried to plead his case. The Personnel Manager said, 'let us go to the Executive Director and see what he would say'. When the E.D. heard about the proposed visit to Prasanthi Nilayam, he said 'go by all means! Don't worry. You can join after return from there'. So he could accompany us to Prasanthi Nilayam. The story did not end here. He was suffering from fever on the day of our return to our place; may be due to change of water or climate. He phoned his Personnel Manager and explained his inability to report that day due to fever. 'Take your own time, my boy', the Personnel Manager told him, 'you can join on the New Year's Day 2004!' We thought that it was all the grace of Bhagavan.

Our daughter Ms. Sreelakshmi passed her degree exam. Though she was studious, she could not score good marks. So, she had to join M.A. (Philosophy). Her lecturer used to tell her, 'why have you joined this course? You better seek some other course for which there is demand.' Thus she used to discourage my daughter from pursuing it. My daughter came home from the hostel one day for a short vacation.

She began to go through some old news papers casually when she noticed an advertisement seeking applications for admission to the PG course in Personnel Management. The last date for submission of applications was the very next day. She contacted the Institute and collected the application form. She could submit it in time. By the grace of Bhagavan, she got admission there. She became topper in her class, and the Institute.

My daughter Sreelakshmi came for seva in March 2004. She was given Western Canteen duty. She had to clean large vessels after cooking. She felt very tired. When her colleagues asked her to join them for bhajan, she said, 'I consider it a blessing when I can have darshan of Bhagavan from close quarters'. Then, she went out along with her colleague in seva. They came to a junction when suddenly Swami came there in His car. The car paused before them for a couple of seconds and they could have darshan from a very near point, and Swami blessed them with His two hands.

During 2004, I was facing severe financial cringe. I was praying to Bhagavan to save me, but there was no change in the position. I became desperate and even toyed with the idea of ending my life. I shouted at my wife, 'don't do any pooja hereafter. Why should we worship God who does not respond?' 'Pray, don't say like that', my wife used to say, 'whatever happens, happens for our good, owing to His sankalpa'.

At that time, I put some property for sale to tide over the crisis. But no one was coming forward to buy it at a reasonable price. So it was pending for a long time. A few days after my wife and I had the altercation on pooja, one person came to me and offered to buy the property. Owing to the grace of Bhagavan, we could overcome the crisis.

Bhagavan has been ever compassionate to us. My wife and daughter were blessed with the appearance of Bhagavan in their dreams, and were given padanamaskar also.

On the Sivarathri day in 2005, my daughter, Sreelakshmi felt the Divine presence of Bhagavan. On the same auspicious day, my brother-in-law, Mr. Krishna Kumar also saw Bhagavan suddenly in front of him in his bedroom where he was praying. On seeing Bhagvan, he became frozen with amazement. Bhagavan asked him to take padanamaskar and said, 'don't worry. Your problems will be solved'. After that, he started a paint shop, and he is well-off now.

My daughters Sreelakshmi and Meera went to Brindavan on the occasion of Vishu Darshan in 2004. They carried letters to Bhagavan from various devotees at our place. On the first day, they forgot to take the letters along with them to hand over to Bhagavan. On that day, Bhagavan collected letters from all other devotees directly. Next day, my daughter Meera carried letters and sat in front of Bhagavan. She prayed, 'Bhagavan! Kindly collect letters from me today directly as you did yesterday'. Suddenly Bhagavan smiled at her and nodded His head from this side to that side indicating that He was not going to collect letters directly that day. After a few minutes, Prof. Mukundan, State President, Kerala came and collected the letters from the devotees including her. After that Vishu Darshan, tremendous changes have taken place in her life. She has now become an ardent devotee of Bhagavan. Now she is about to join MBA (Finance Management). Every thing is Bhagavan's grace.'

-- Mr. C.V. Parameswara Panicker

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 11.07.2005.)