Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group IV | Mr. C.P. Varday

Mr. C.P. Varday,
7, Jyoti ka Park Street, High Way Road,
Kalal - 382 721, Gandhinagar District,

Mobile: 92271-80277

Mr. C.P. Varday (54), an industrialist from Gujarat, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'Bhagavan Sri Satya Sai Baba visited Junagadh and Rajkot in 1964.My father, Mr. Prabhudas Varday attended the meetings addressed by Swami and had His darshan. We used to hear from him about Bhagavan.

Later, I happened to read a book 'Sai Avatar 'in which the story of Shiridi Sai as well as Parthi Sai was given.

In 1968, Swami came to Ahmedabad. I went there and had the darshan of Swami from a distance. I wanted to see Swami from close quarters, but it was not possible because of heavy crowds. However, I had the good fortune to listen to the Divine discourse that time.

In 1972, Swami came to Bombay and was at Dharmakshetra. My uncle and others from our place went there for darshan. I, too, was to leave with them on May 19 but had to go to see my wife who was admitted in a hospital in Rajasthan as I received a phone call l from her on May 17.Finally I reached Bombay on May 22. By that time Swami had gone to Pune.

'You missed Swami', my uncle told me,' He might leave Pune for Bangalore. There is no programme for His return here.'

I felt disappointed but there was nothing one could do about it.

That day my aunt asked me to accompany her to Dharmaksetra. She wanted to buy some articles and books there. I went along with her. As we were moving there, a person looking like a VIP came there. I was told that his name is Mr. Manoj Kumar. I went to him and said, 'Swami is not here. He went to Pune. He may go from there to Bangalore. I am told.' He also felt disappointed. As we were talking about Swami's leelas, there was a phone call from Pune. 'Swami will be at Dharmakshetra in another half-an-hour', was the message.'

Mr. Manoj Kumar said, 'we are lucky. Be with me and have darshan of Swami.'

Meanwhile, some sevadal came and asked me to go out as no one except sevadal was allowed to stay there. Mr. Manoj Kumar told them to allow me and my aunt to stay. When he said so, everyone thought that we were close relatives of him. We were taken in and made to sit just by the side of the chair of Bhagavan. Swami came and we could have darshan from close quarters. I remembered how I had felt disappointed that I could not see Bhagavan from close quarters when He came to Ahemdabad. I thought that Bhagavan had heard my prayer and given me this unique opportunity owing to His grace. Had I not got the phone call on May 17 from my wife I would have come on May19 with my uncle. Then I would have seen Swami from only a distance.

'We thought you had missed Swami,' my uncle told me, 'but now it is we that missed darshan of Bhagavan from very close quarters.'

I used to come to Prasanthi Nilayam every year. In those days, rooms were not there. We used to stay under the trees and cook our food with fuel. Now and then Swami used to come and ask us 'what are you cooking?' He used to take out the lid from the vessels and see the contents. He used to exchange a word or two with us in Gujarati language.

I have a chemical factory near Kalol. We used to produce colours from certain chemicals, mostly petroleum products. They have to be boiled first and then the steam emanating from them has to be cooled off. One day steam was emanating heavily. The worker near it did not know what to do. Meanwhile the vapours emanating from the boiling container burst out and reached the boiler. At once they caught fire. The worker was caught in the fire. I was standing outside. I came running into the factory without thinking, and caught hold of the worker and pushed him out through a side door. As I pushed him forcibly, I fell inside due to recoil. However, I managed to rush out and ring up the fire service. At that time I was not aware that I too had caught fire when I fell inside. I did not feel any pain at that time, curiously. My only thought was to take the worker to a doctor and get him treated before it was too late. I pushed him into my car and drove to a relative of mine who was a doctor.

'Attend on this fellow,' I told my relative on reaching his clinic,' he sustained injuries in an accident in my factory.'

The doctor was looking at me in shock and surprise.

'Why are you looking like that at me', I demanded, 'first attend on the fellow'.

'First I have to attend on you', the doctor said, 'his burns are not serious. He can be treated as an outpatient and discharged today. I am afraid your case is not that simple. First go and look at your face in the mirror.'

When I went to a mirror in the bath room, I was shocked. There was a burn right from the parting line in my hair to my neck across my chin. Then both my hands and legs were burnt badly. The doctor wanted me to go to some super speciality hospital in Bombay. But I declined. He then agreed to treat me in my house. He used to come daily with his assistant and fix the bandage. On alternate days, they had to change it. I used to sprinkle Swami's vibhuti on the burns before they put the bandage afresh. They used to object, but I did not care. I was thankful to Swami. He saved my eyes, nose and ears as the burns ran avoiding them in a miraculous manner. There were no burns on my chest and stomach saving my important organs like heart, lungs and liver.

I had some papers, currency and a photograph of Swami in my pocket at that time. Most of my shirt was burnt including the pocket. All papers and currency were burnt but the photograph of Swami was completely in tact!

It took three months for the burns to heal. The worker who also sustained burn injuries became alright.

'You better go to a plastic surgeon and see what can be done to remove the ugly scars of burns on your face, hands and legs,' the doctor advised.

I said, 'it does not matter'.

I have not undergone any plastic surgery, but every one asks me, 'where did you get the plastic surgery done to the scars?' It is so because, owing to the grace of Bhagavan, the scars disappeared completely. My skin looks completely normal without any scars, to the amazement of all.'

-- Mr. C.P. Varday

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 11.07.2005.)