Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mr. B. Sowri Kumar

Mr. B. Sowri Kumar,
Chief Editor, Desa Prabhat,
B-13 / F2, Udyognagar Govt. Quarters,
Punjagutta Colony,
Hyderabad - 500 080
Mobile: 94404-30230
E-mail: desaprabhat@hotmail.com

Mr. B. Sowri Kumar (52), a Journalist, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'My mother, Mrs. Venkata Lakshmi has been a great devotee of Bhagavan. It was her wish that Bhagavan perform my thread marriage.

In the end of December 1968, I had an attack of jaundice. It was very severe. I was passing urine in thick yellow colour. My aunt Mrs Chintaluru Manikyamma was giving me some native medicine, but there was no abatement of the disease. I was made to observe severe diet restrictions.

Then Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba came to Rajahmundry where I was staying in those days. He stayed in the house of Nidamarthies, that is, in my grand father's house. He came to perform the thread marriages of only 3 boys belonging to Nidamarthi families. There was no samuhika Upanayanams (mass thread marriages). On January 16, 1969, I had the Darshan of Bhagavan for the first time. It was in the house where he was put up. When He was going from one room to the other, I used to hide behind a door and go before Him when he neared me. Thus I could see Him two or three times. First time when I saw Him, I asked Him, 'my mother wants that Baba should perform my thread marriage. Won't you do so?' He replied, 'your mother wants; not you!' Before I could clarify, He was gone.

Next time, I told Baba 'I too want that Baba should perform my thread marriage. Won't you?' Swami said, 'ok! I will do'. Then I said, 'Baba! I am suffering from jaundice!' Then Swami looked at me and put His finger in my navel as if He was piercing it and said, 'take a deep breath'. I felt that His finger had been coated with some oily thing. It was viscous to touch. He made me take deep breath twice. Then He removed the finger and said, 'you are all right!'

'Can I eat anything?'

'Yes! Eat anything you want. No worry. No restrictions'.

As Swami left, I felt an urge to urinate. I went into the backyard and urinated. Strange! I passed colourless urine far the first time in weeks. I gave up all food restrictions. Word spread that Swami had healed me miraculously.

On the 17th, Swami called all people belonging to our families for interview. I too attended with my parents.

On the 18th, Swami performed thread marriages in the temple of Visweswara opposite the house of Nidamarthies, on the bank of Godavari. Arrangements were made only for three as Swami cleared only three boys earlier. In the eleventh hour, Swami told them to provide for four. I was included. Swami performed the thread marriages of all four of us in a row on a platform in the temple. My mother was given by Swami one silk sari. Parents and boys were given new clothes. I had the good fortune of being administered Gayatri Mahamantra by Bhagavan (along with the other three boys). As we were all looking, Swami materialised a silver idol of Gayatri Devi and gave it to us. We all took it into our hands and offered pranams. Later, it was kept in the pooja room of Nidamarthies. It is still there.

The same year I came to Prasanthi Nilayam for Swami's Birthday. When I was in Darshan lines, Swami came along and asked, 'how are you, Sowri?' I was happy and said, 'Swami! I want to serve as a volunteer in your Mandir!' In those days, there was no sevadal as such, but Swami used to select volunteers and throw badges at them. I was given a badge. I was posted in the ground floor of the Mandir. I served like that on two separate occasions during my visit to Prasanthi Nilayam. Once or twice, I was allowed upstairs and the good fortune to press the lotus feet of Bhagavan. Once Bhagavan gave us some money in an envelope to defray our return expenses.

One day I was present when Bhagavan was going through some letters while he was throwing away some others (even without reading them). A thought crossed my mind, 'He is throwing away without even reading'. At once Bhagavan turned to me and said, 'pick up that envelope which I have thrown away just now and open it and see'. As I was opening the envelope, He said, 'it is from a lady in Madras. She sent me a cheque'. Then Bhagavan told me the number of that cheque even without looking at it!

Once I came to Puttaparthi without informing my parents where I was going. Swami was not there. He was at Brindavan, Whitefields. I went there and had Darshan. In the evening, Mr. Surayya, who was looking after administration of the Ashram in those days, called me and said, 'look!' Swami wanted me to tell you that it is not correct to come here without informing parents. He wants you to return to your place and serve your parents with reverence.'

-- Mr. B. Sowri Kumar

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 28.10.2004.)