Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Mr. B. Sadasiva Rao

Mr. B. Sadasiva Rao,
2-10-785/A, Jyothi Nagar,
Karimnagar - 505 001

Tel: 0878-2236485

Mr. B. Sadasiva Rao, Audit Manager (Retd), Nizam Sugars, Shakkar Nagar, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I came into the fold of Bhagavan when I was working at the Nizam Sugars, Shakkar Nagar. I used to participate in bhajans from 1976 at Shakkar Nagar. I was also the convenor of the Bhajan-mandali. I used to sing bhajans also.

I had Darshan of Bhagavan for the first time at Brindavan in 1964. My first visit to Prasanthi Nilayam was in 1978. I reached the place around 8 p.m. Bhagavan had gone inside just then. A member of the sevadal there told me, 'there is no chance of Bhagavan coming out now. Darshan can be only next morning'. I was crestfallen, for I had not come prepared for a night halt. This was Ekadasi, on the day after Vijayadasami. While I was worried over my predicament, Swami came down to the verandah to the point where the ramp is now, and lingered there for a minute and went back to His room upstairs. The sevadal was stunned at the unexpected appearance of Bhagavan. Swami came for no obvious reason and left almost immediately. I was immensely happy. I thought He had come only to bless me with His Darshan. I left for Shakkar Nagar the same night contentedly.

In 1980, I had some problems in office. Due to the machinations of some of my colleagues who were jealous of my performance, and prejudiced against me for no fault of mine, it went to the extent of my being kept under suspension. I used to pray to Swami, as He was my only resort. A few months later, I was completely exonerated of all charges and was given posting at the Metpalli Sugar Factory in Karimnagar District.

While I was happy at the development, I was worried about the education of my sons because there was no school / college at the place of my posting. I had an idea, 'why not I try for admission of my sons in Swami's Institutions?' Owing to Swami's grace, all my three sons could get admission in the Educational Institutions at Prasanthi Nilayam. In fact, one of my sons, who had been told at Prasanthi Nilayam that he was not selected for admission to M.Com, got telegraphic intimation of his selection by the time he returned home.

In 1985-86, Swami told my second son, 'I perform upanayanam to you'. 'My elder brother's upanayanam has not yet been performed, Swami!' my son replied. 'We will do for him also', Swami said. My eldest son was not studying then at Prasanthi Nilayam. But Swami performed upanayanam for both. I could not get leave for the upanayanam ceremony. Later when Swami performed upnayanam to my third son, my wife and I attended.

In 1987, my second son had an opportunity to go to the USA for higher studies. He needed at least Rs. 25000 for expenses. I did not have the money, nor could I raise it. When I approached the State Bank of India, they were unable to sanction. We were sorry to lose the good opportunity. I prayed to Bhagavan intensely as He is our only recourse. Just then I happened to meet the Manager of the Andhra Bank at a function. On hearing my son's details, he came forward to extend education loan to my son. Owing to Swami's grace, my son could go abroad. It was, indeed, a turning point in his life, and he could be of help to his brother also, in due course.

In July 1986, I was travelling in a Hindustan Trucker (Nizam Sugars Factory vehicle) on office work. While negotiating a right-side curve to reach the main road, a Bus, fully loaded with passengers, came in the opposite direction and dashed against the vehicle in which I was travelling. I was crying 'Sai Ram, Sai Ram' at the pitch of my voice. The vehicle hurtled thrice and fell into a ditch by the side of the road. We were six persons travelling in the trucker, plus driver. The vehicle was damaged beyond recognition. But none of us was injured by the grace of Swami. All the people including the R.T.O. personnel and insurance surveyor did not believe that no injury was caused to us. Further, when the reports were against settlement of the insurance claim, Swami's grace alone could help payment of insurance claim.

I was similarly involved in three other accidents. In each one of them I was saved, with no injury whatsoever.

We had a house-site at Warangal and wanted to construct a house. We came to Prasanthi Nilayam for the Birthday of Bhagavan in 1985. My son asked, 'Swami! My father wants to build a house.' 'Let him do so', Swami replied, 'have the foundation laid on the 24th of this month'. This was on the 23rd. When Bhagavan says, we cannot tarry. We left for Warangal that night and laid the foundation stone for the new house on the 24th. When we were in dire need for money, at the time of construction of the house, I prayed for Swami's grace for disposal of a house site, situated on the outskirts of L.B.Nagar, Hyderabad. We were shocked to find a person at our doorstep, in the next few days, to purchase the site, to whom we sold it, and our need was fulfilled. We had not known this person before or ever informed anyone about sale of the site.

When we came to Prasanthi Nilayam again in July 1986, our new house at Warangal was not yet completed, though the roof was laid. I wanted my son to seek Bhagavan's blessings for performing Grihapravesam. He asked Bhagavan on July 14. 'Enter the new house on July 19', Swami said. We rushed back to Warangal. We had no time to invite our brothers and sisters or close relations. We performed Grihapravesam on July 19. Though we did not invite any, all our relatives attended! Swami also sent Rs. 500 through my eldest son, directing him to purchase clothes for parents for the Grihapravesam function.

My third son wanted to do some post-graduation specialization at Hyderabad in 1990. I prayed to Swami to arrange for my transfer to Hyderabad. Generally it is very difficult to get a transfer to the city because there will be lot of competition. But owing to Swami's grace, I received orders of transfer to Hyderabad.

While my wife and I were returning from the US in April 2001, I had to disembark at London Heathrow Airport at 11 p.m. for change of aircraft in the next morning at 8 a.m. When we were thinking what to do in the night and loitering, one security guard came and told us that the place where we were is protected area, and that we should immediately leave the place, failing which, we were to be imprisoned. Not knowing what to do, I prayed to Swami for help, and my wife made fun of me for doing so.

Suddenly one person came to us in full-suit, and enquired our whereabouts. I explained to him my difficulty. Thereafter he told me that the place where we were to board the next flight for India is far away. He called a golf-cart and made us sit in that, and brought us to the place of boarding. He also explained the details such as the gate of boarding. After getting down, I kept the luggage in the lounge asking my wife to be seated there, and returned to thank the Gentleman. To my surprise, neither the car nor the person was there. I could not imagine how they could have left without being in sight, in that short spell of a few seconds. It is only Swami that helped us in the crisis.

After my retirement in April 1995, I went to Karimnagar to reside with my elder son there. One day I received a call from my brother-in-law, Mr. Lakshminarayana. 'Here in Malkajgiri, Sri Vijaya Satya Sai Mandir has been constructed', he told me, 'visit it and see for yourself many leelas (miracles) of Swami happening there'.

I came to Hyderabad in November 2002. When I went to the Mandir, some one came there from Kasi and left a Sivalingam he had brought from Varanasi. He said he was from Shirdi Samsthan. They put it on a wooden stool in the Mandir. They asked me to perform abhishekam to the lingam brought from Kasi. I did so. Accordingly I performed abhishekam for it along with the Sivashakthi crystal lingam given by Swami. Amritam and gangajal came on the Kasi lingam on that occasion. I used to perform abhishekam frequently on my visits to Malkajgiri Mandir, and every time I performed abhishekam, gangajal and amritam used to come after abhishekam.

On October 6, 2003, I visited the Mandir. They asked me to recite Vishnu Sahasranamas. It was the day of Ekadasi. At the end, I gave haarati. Footprints of Swami in vibhuti appeared from the main door up to the simhasanam and back, signifying arrival of Swami to take haarati and His departure after that. When I was given vibhuti prasadam, I found a coin (medallion) in it with the pictures of Lord Venkateswara on one side and Goddess Lakshmi on the other side.

Before going to the USA in October 2003, I visited the Mandir and recited Sri Lalitha Sahasranamas on October 12, 2003 there. The moment I completed the sahasranamas, there was a sound as if something had fallen. A Sivalingam was found before the Photograph of Sai Gayathri Mata before which I recited Sri Lalitha Sahasranamas. It was given to me, and is still with me for which I perform abhishekam regularly.

In May 2003, I went to the Mandir. It was the day of Maasa Sivarathri in the month of Vaisakha. I performed abhishekam to Kasi lingam and Sivashakthi crystal lingam. At the end of the abhishekam, I was asked to see if there was anything in the abhisheka water in the vessel. When I looked at it, I found a jala lingam, and it was given to me.

For Maasa Sivarathri in Ashadham in 2003, I performed abhishekam to Kasi lingam, jala lingam and three other lingas. Sri Chakra Meru was found in the abhisheka water on that occasion.

After my return from the USA, I visited the Mandir in April 2004. Some of my friends and relatives in the USA wanted vibhuti prasadam from the Mandir. I asked for it. They gave me some empty packets and some vibhuti. I was making packets of vibhuti. Two other ladies who came to visit the Mandir at that time volunteered to help. We made 15 packets.

'How may do you want for the USA', the Mandir people asked me.

'Twelve', I replied, 'I need only twelve packets'.

'Ok', they told me, 'you take twelve for the USA. Of the remaining three, all the three of you who made the packets, take one each'.

I gave the two ladies one each. In my packet, I found a coin with pictures of deities of Sita, Rama, Lakshman and Hanuman on one side, and Aum on the other side.

I went to the Mandir on the Navami day during Dasara in October 2004. It was Saturday. Dr. Lakshmana Murthy of Warangal was with me. I performed abhishekam to Kasi lingam, and also to the Atmalingam given to me by Swami. Mandir people saw this. 'Swami gave it (Atmalingam) to you. Take this,' so saying, they took flowers from Sivalingam and placed them in my hands. There was an idol of Swami in the flowers. I kept it in my Pooja. I perform abhishekam to it everyday.

The next day, Sunday, I performed abhishekam again in the Mandir when I received in the abhisheka water a garland of 54 kamalaakshuvulu (a kind of rudrakshalu), ornamentally embedded in silver casings. It is in the nature of a japamaala, which I wear round my neck.

On the following day, Monday, Ekadasi, I went to the Mandir. They were arranging the photographs on the altar, after cleaning them, neatly. They were taking photographs of the new arrangement.

I was sitting by the side of Swami's simhasanam, wearing the kamalaakshu-maala. I asked the photographer to take a photograph of mine beside the simhasanam. He obliged. Finishing his work, he returned. A little later, I went to the house of Dr. Satyanarayana (who looks after the Mandir) after the closure of the Mandir. Around 10 p.m. that day, the photographer came to the house of Dr. Satyanarayana and told him in excited voice, 'look here, sir! Swami sat in the simhasanam'. He gave the printed copy of the photograph to Dr. Satyanarayana. In the photograph Swami is seen sitting in the simhasanam very comfortably, sporting abhayahasta, while I am seen beside the simhasanam. I have this photograph with me.'

-- Mr. B. Sadasiva Rao.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 27.11.2004.)