Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mr. B. Narayana Rao

Mr. B. Narayana Rao,
Plot. No. 47, Rajyalakshmi Nagar,
Madananandapuram, Poruru,
Tel: 044-24827228 (pp)

Mr. B. Narayana Rao (35), a devotee of Bhagavan, narrates a few of his personal experiences in his own words.

'When I was in VIII class, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba came to Nallattur, 8 km from our place. I cycled all the way and had a glimpse of Him. He came to Vinayaka Temple there and lifted His hands simply. Then Vinayaka idol was garlanded miraculously. We all saw that.

I went to Saudi Arabia in search of employment. I suffered a lot there. Once my employer sent me on an errand. Though he was giving me food, he did not pay me anything. I could not buy chappals even, and had to carry on with chappals with eroded soles. I used to pray to Bhagavan about my plight. On my way, I saw a packet in a carrier bag on the platform. While going, I just kicked it. On my return I found that it was still there. So I gave it one more kick. Then the packet gave way to reveal a pair of new chappals. After some initial hesitation, I picked them up. They were exactly of my size. I thought that Swami had sent them for me and thanked Him for the new pair of chappals.

In Saudi, I worked for some time as a farm hand also. It was a tough job. So I used to pray to Bhagavan, 'take me away from this. Give me instead work of carrying bags; I will do happily', I prayed thus out of vexation and frustration. Unexpectedly, I got another job. It was not carrying bags, but carrying cartons of toys! When I returned to India with much difficulty, I earned only enough to meet the debt I had incurred to go to Saudi, and not a paisa more. But I was glad to come back.

Once I was sent as a guide with members of a Balvikas group to Prasanthi Nilayam in a bus. On our return, the front wheel of the bus got detached. By Swami's grace, the bus came to a stop in the road margin. Had it gone a little further, there would have been a serious accident. Swami saved all of us.

I came into contact with a young fellow in the trip who was a member of the party. The wife of an officer in the L&T Company had wanted to get me a job. But, at that time, they needed a technically qualified person. I remembered that the youth who was with us in the bus was a technically qualified person. I suggested to his people to approach the L&T Company. He got an appointment in Delhi in that Company. Later, he helped me get a job in the L&T Company in Delhi, which I left after working for a couple of years.

While I was in the L&T Company, one senior officer came for inspection. He had known me well. I was asked to take him and others round, and show things. Though he knew me, he did not talk to me even once. I felt hurt. I prayed to Bhagavan, 'if You care for me, see that the Officer talks to me as before'. In a couple of minutes, I had a call from the Officer. I ran anxiously. The Officer finished his lunch and was washing his hands. On seeing me, he accosted pleasantly, 'come! Come!' How are you? Is everything fine?' I thanked Swami in my mind for His prompt response.

When my wife was carrying, I used to recite Sai Gayathri and a poem from Siva stotram, which would help in easy delivery, and apply vibhuti to her daily. It went on for months. One day a thought came to me, 'vibhuti is applied usually to ladies that lost their husbands while kumkum is applied to those whose husbands are alive. How is it that I am applying vibhuti to my wife?' I hesitated to put vibhuti to my wife on that day for a while but put it nevertheless.

Later, on the next Thursday I went to bhajan. After bhajan, harati and distribution of vibhuti prasadam, the convenor announced, 'one of our devotees brought prasadam from Subrahmanya Temple, Tiruchenduru. All of you please take it'. So saying he gave us prasadam. What was it? Kumkum. Swami sent kumkum to me and my wife as though he was clearing my doubt.'

--Mr. B. Narayana Rao.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Paravatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 03.11.2004.)