Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group III | Mr. B. Narappa

Mr. B. Narappa
1-79, Yenumulapalli – 515134
Puttaparthi Mandal

Mr. B. Narappa (92), a barber by profession, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

‘I used to do hair cutting to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba when He was a boy as I was their family barber since the time of Swami’s grandfather, Mr. Kondama Raju. While Swami was a student at Bukkapatnam He used to perform many miracles. Some villagers who could not understand the divinity of Bhagavan impressed upon Swami’s father, Mr. Peda Vankama Raju that the boy (Swami) was off his mental balance. So Mr. Peda Venkama Raju brought a native doctor to heal the boy. The doctor who was also a black magician suggested that the boy should be tonsured and three cuts should be made on His head. I was called by Mr. Peda Venkama Raju to tonsure the boy. I do not now remember when this happened exactly but it could be about seventy years back or a little later.

When I saw the boy in His tender age, I hesitated to do tonsuring and make cuts on the head. Swami, noticing my hesitation, said, ‘they are telling you; so do it’. He sat smiling as I went about my work. I tonsured Him and put three cuts on the top of His head. As they rubbed lemon juice over the cuts very harshly, Swami sat smiling as if He was watching it being done to someone else. Afterwards, I went to do haircut to Him several times – till He was fourteen years old. But He never showed any aversion towards me for all that I had done to Him obeying His father’s instructions.

A few weeks after this tonsuring affair, Swami came to Kammavaripalli where I was residing at that time. During those days, there was the problem of narikurupu (guinea worm) in that village. It was very contagious and there was no cure for it. Swami asked for four coconuts. Local villagers then had no belief in Swami’s Divinity. They started to heckle Him. However one villager brought four coconuts. Swami took one worker with Him and got four pits dug on four corners around the village. In each pit He put one coconut and got it covered with mud. After that Swami left. Miraculously, the disease of guinea worm disappeared from the village immediately thereafter. I have not seen any epidemic such as cholera raising its head there since that day. I am a witness to what Swami did there.

Swami used to give new clothes to me for Dasara every year. I can’t tell how many times He gave me new clothes over the last seven decades. Once I was late for the distribution of new clothes. The distribution was over and the gate was closed. Swami retired to His room upstairs. ‘What to do?’ I sat under a coconut tree contemplating on my next step. Then the gate was opened and I was called in. Swami asked me, ‘why late?’ He materialised vibhuti and gave me. He also presented new clothes. It appears that Swami who was in His room sent word to the sevadal at the mandir and said, ‘Narappa is at the gate. Bring him in.’ There was no scope for Swami seeing me as I was sitting under a coconut tree behind the wall.

Whenever I went to Him, He used to have a word with me and also materialise vibhuti for me.’

-- Mr. B. Narappa

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at the residence of Mr Narappa at Yenumulapalli on 07.05.2005)