Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mr. B.N. Vittal Kamath

Mr. B.N. Vittal Kamath
South 1 - A 33, Prasanthi Nilayam - 515134

Mr. B.N.Vittal Kamath (76), who retired as a Senior Manager in a Supervisory cadre in private enterprises, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I had the good fortune of having Darshan of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba nearly 40 years ago at Prasanthi Nilayam. Around 1965, I went to Brindavan along with my elder brother only to learn that Swami had been out of station. My brother and I waited for some time. Then my brother said, 'there is no point in waiting. Let us move'.

'Ok!' I replied, 'but let us wait for a few more minutes and then leave'.

As we were preparing to leave, Swami returned. He entered the premises by car, gave us Darshan and Padanamaskar also. We felt immensely happy.

I do not remember the date. One day I had a dream in which Bhagavan appeared. He showed me Abhaya Hasta before the dream ended. At once, I felt immense mental peace and happiness. I had similar dreams and experience of peace, once or twice later also.

When I came to Prasanthi Nilayam with a view to settle down here, I was blessed with an opportunity to serve in the stores. It is only due to Bhagavan's grace that such an opportunity came my way so early.

Though I came into Swami's fold only around 1995, Bhagavan has been making me experience His divinity almost since my childhood. I hail from Sringeri, the seat of Sri Sarada Peetham established by Adi Sankara. I was brought up in an environment of spirituality. My father told me, 'when any one is ill, put Yajnopaveetham around him, and recite Gayatrhri Mantra'.

When my son was six months old, he fell ill suddenly. At that time we were in Bettegere, a remote village. What to do? There was no sign of life in the child. I followed the advice of my father - sitting before the pictures of Lord Lakshmi Narasimha and Gayathri. In a few minutes, there were signs of life in the child. By God's grace and the grace of Gayathri, we earned time to bring a doctor and give the child medical aid. On seeing the child, the doctor said, 'had you come a little late, I don't know what would have happened.' Swami, with whatever name we worship Him, he would take care of us without fail.'

-- Mr. B.N.Vittal Kamat

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 28.09.2004.)