Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Mr. Ajay Singh

Mr. Ajay Singh
Mukundapur, Baroli Post
Gonda District, U.P.

Mr. Ajay Singh (22), a businessman, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'My father, Mr. Dhuvraj Singh has been a devotee of Bhagavan for several years. Therefore, we have all been brought up in Sai environment. We all came to Prasanthi Nilayam in 1992. That was my first visit to Prasanthi Nilayam. We had Darshan. I could get fortunately padanamaskar also.

In 2002, we were all engaged in wood work. My father was cutting the timber. Just at that time a log positioned on the side suddenly fell on him. It was of seven to eight quintals weight. We were all there, but could not do anything while he lay unconscious under that heavy log. One of our workers, Mr. Mataprasad went forward, lifted up the log alone and placed it to a side relieving my father from the heavy weight on him. We all assumed that he would have been crushed into pulp by the impact of the log but he escaped miraculously with a scratch on his lips and tooth gums, and a fracture of his collarbone.

After my father regained consciousness and was able to speak, he asked us, 'who lifted up that log that had fallen on me?' We said, 'Mataprasad.'

'You are mistaken', my father told us, 'how can that lean and weak fellow lift such a heavy log all by himself?'

Till that time, we had not applied our mind to that aspect. It is true Mataprasad could not lift even half a quintal weight without help. How did he do it on that day?

'But we all saw him lift it up and put it to a side', we chorused.

'What I saw is different', my father told us, 'one old person resembling Shirdi Sai came and lifted it. Soon he disappeared and Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba appeared in his place with a serene look. He stood by my side and said, 'don't worry. You will be all right'.

We were all amazed. That explained how Mataprasad could lift the log up all alone.

My elder brother, Mr. Sanjay Singh was taking coaching for IIT entrance exam in Lucknow. He appeared for the entrance once and did not get through. He tried a second time also in vain. He continued his efforts to write the exam for the third time. He was used to take egg, though he did not take mutton or fish. One day, he ate eggs in his dinner and came to his room. While he was asleep, he had a dream. Bhagavan Baba appeared in his dream.

'I am annoyed at you', Swami told my brother in the dream, 'why are you eating eggs? Give up'.

My brother began to cry in the dream and told Bhagavan, 'I won't eat, Baba! I am failing in IIT entrance, pray help me'.

'Give up eating all non-vegetarian food - including eggs', Swami told my brother, 'give it up all your life. I am with you. You will succeed in your attempt this time'.

My brother gave up eating eggs. He passed the entrance and secured a seat in NIT, Trichnapalli, Tamilnadu. By Swami's grace, he is studying engineering there.

In 2003, my mother, Mrs. Pushpa Singh had a dream. At that time our family was facing financial cringe. We did not know what to do. One night my mother was crying silently as she lay on her bed praying to Bhagavan about our problems. As she dozed off into sleep, Bhagavan appeared in her dream and said, 'why do you weep? All your problems would be solved soon. You will have no cause to worry. I am with you'.

Within 10, 15 days after that day, our problems began to get solved. Within a few weeks, our business was back on rails. There was marked improvement in our finances and we felt a change for the better on all fronts. Since that day there has been no looking back for us, owing to Bhagavan's grace.

-- Mr. Ajay Singh

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 06.06.2005)