Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group IV | Mr. A.Venkat Raman

Mr. A.Venkat Raman,
4-95, 'Prasanthi Nilayam',
Bhuvanagiri Complex,
Behind Sai Reshma Lodge,
Prasanthigram - 515 134.

Tel: 08555-288054
E-mail: saicheenu@hotmail.com & saicheenu@rediffmail.com

Mr. A.Venkat Raman (73), Advocate, High Court, New Delhi, presently, a resident of Prasanthigram, Puttaparthi, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'In 1994, I went to Whitefield along with my son. We sat in the darshan lines. Swami came to our side and threw some chocolates. Two fell on my lap and two on the lap of my son. 'I am of your age and not a kid to fall for chocolates' I thought to myself, 'what I want is vibhuti prasadam'. After darshan, my son and I came out and asked a sevadal for vibhuti. He went in to get the same. Meanwhile, a stranger came to us and gave nine packets of vibhuti. After that, the sevadal also came and gave nine more packets. As he was giving vibhuti, many people came to him and began to jostle for vibhuti. In the process, many packets of vibhuti got torn and the plate in which they were held turned topsy-turvy showering vibhuti on me as if Swami had performed bhsmabhishekam.

'I asked for a little vibhuti and you did bhsmabhishekam', I murmured, 'well! This is a lesson for me not to ask you anything hereafter'.

As we were returning, there was a packet of vibhuti with a photograph of Shirdi Baba. Someone must have lost it. I picked it up and enquired if anyone had lost it. 'No one is responding' a sevadal said, 'you take it. Baba might have placed it there for you'. So I took that, too.

In May 2005, Swami gave instructions to my son in the astral plane. He said 'take your father to Kedarnath. I will transform him.'

On May 12, 2005, we were at Kedarnath. It was very cold, the temperature being -10°C. There we saw a sadhu without anything on his body except a loincloth around his waist. He had a kamandal in his hand, which was full of vibhuti. My son recognised the sadhu to be Swami Himself. As He raised His palm in order to bless, my son noticed clearly the lines on His palm. They were exactly like those on Swami's palm.

After sometime, I saw Lord Siva and Parvathi on the roof of the temple in physical form. They were beckoning me. I was trying to go to them. But outwardly my physical body was shaking very much. Even when four to five people caught hold of me, I could not be controlled. While trying to run up, I fell down, and was shaking my hands and feet. Then I saw that both Lord Siva and Parvathi descended and lifted me up, and put me back on my feet. After that Lord Siva and Parvathi gave me padanamaskar and went up to the roof and blessed all those present there. After I regained my normal body consciousness, I told all about my experience and pleaded that I should be allowed to stay on in Kedarnath. But people around me somehow managed to bring me back. After this incident, a great transformation came about in me. I was, earlier, a little volatile and was likely to explode when annoyed. But nowadays I have been blessed with the vision of Swami's presence with me almost all the time. Now I have no other avocation except to pursue my spiritual sadhana.'

-- Mr. A.Venkat Raman.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at his residence on 27.10.2005)