Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group II | Mr. A.V. Narasimhan

Mr. A.V. Narasimhan,
Sri Sai Brindavan, 99-NGGO Colony,
P.O. Collectorate,
Dharmapuri - 636 705
Tel: 04342-230298

Mr. A.V. Narasimhan (65), a retired Commercial Tax Officer, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'My mother, Mrs. Subbalakshmi as well as my uncle Mr. D.N. Nagaraja Iyer have been devotees of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. So I have been hearing about Him since 1959. My maternal uncle Mr. Nagaraja iyer was the first convenor of Sri Sathya sai Samiti at Dharmapuri.

I came to Puttaparthi in 1962. In those days I was working at Coimbattore. I came at the end of Dasara. Sai Kulwant Hall was not there. Even Poornachandra Auditorium was not there. A pendal was erected near Ganesh Temple area. There Swami held bhajans and other programmes. The pendal was overcrowded. Many of us had to stand outside for want of space. Then the sky was clouded. There was a drizzle also. It was feared that there would be heavy rain soon. So many were about to run for shelter. At that moment, Bhagavan came out. He told the people, 'all of you, be seated'. Then Bhagavan looked at the sky and waved His hand. Instantaneously, the rain stopped. There was jubilation all around. Afterwards there was no rain till the programme was completed successfully.

My uncle, Mr. Nagarja Iyer wanted to perform the wedding of his daughter, Ms. Hemamalini in the Divine Presence of Bhagavan. Bhagavan fixed muhurtam but changed it again. The marriage was finally scheduled to be held at Puttaparthi in the month of September 1964. The marriage party started from Dharmapuri by Bus. I was also in the party. When our Bus came to Hindupur, the Hindupur tank breached due to heavy rains inundating the road.

Our driver, Pacchiappan was new to these parts. As the road was under water, he was hesitant to take the Bus along further. Besides, it was still drizzling. It was evening time. At that time, we saw an empty lorry coming along the inundated road from the opposite direction. We told the driver to carefully observe the way the lorry was coming and proceed on the same lines. He was still hesitant. Then a miracle happened. The lorry, which was coming towards us, took an about turn and began to proceed towards Puttaparthi. Our Bus followed the lorry and crossed the road, which was under water, safely. We looked for the lorry later, but it was not to be seen. Why the lorry turned back after it came up to us and how it disappeared later is a mystery. We all assumed that Swami had come in that form to guide us to safety.

After crossing Brahmanapalli, we noticed that a car coming behind us was blowing horn for side. By then it was pitch dark. The road was a single lane road with margins soaked fully in rainwater. Our driver brought the Bus to a side and gave side to the car. Then the Bus skidded on the left side of the road and got struck in the mud. The driver could not bring it back on to the road however much he tried. So we all got down and began trekking towards Puttaparthi, not withstanding darkness and drizzle. Finally, we reached Prasanthi Nilayam by late night. We were told later that Mr. N. Kasturi was anxious, as we did not turn up on schedule. 'The Marriage party has not come so far, Swami!' he went and represented to Swami. 'They are coming', Swami replied and showed no anxiety.

On arrival we were given accommodation. Even though we brought cooks and provisions, Swami did not allow us to cook. He arranged food for the party. The marriage took place in the Mandir on the platform where the sculpture of Gitopadesam is seen now. Nadaswaram artistes brought by us were playing Nadaswaram from the early hours, on the day of marriage. Bhagavan came on to the verandah on the first floor and stood there for a long time listening to Nadaswaram. Then He gave all of us excellent Darshan.

At the time of wedding, Bhagavan materialized Mangalasutra for the bride and gave it to the bridegroom for tying around the neck of the bride. He also gave new clothes to the bride and bridegroom. He sprinkled akshatas on one and all. Bhagavan arranged a sumptuous marriage feast and granted interview to all members of the marriage party. I also attended the interview. During the interview, Bhagavan jocularly said that the poor driver who had given side to the car got his bus stuck in the muddy road and added, 'don't worry. Everything will be all right'.

I came to Puttaparthi again in 1966 for Vaikuntha Ekadasi. Swami materialised vibhuti and gave us. In the evening He took us to the banks of the Chitravati. As we all sat around Him, there was a fine aroma. It was a thick and fascinating perfume. After that bhajan started. Bhagavan materialised a silver idol, may be, of Lord Sathyanarayana by perching His hands in the sand. Then He perched His hand into the sand again and brought out a silver vessel with a small silver spoon. It was filled with amritam. We then returned to Mandir and sat in lines. Swami came along the lines and gave amritam to every one of us with the silver spoon, in our mouths with His own hands. It is noteworthy that He did not allow even a drop to spill over. Amritam was so tasty the like of which we have never tasted either before or later.

My marriage was to take place in the year 1969 for which I desired to give my first marriage invitation to Swami. Swami was at Brindavan, Whitefields. I proceeded to Bangalore by Bus. In the same Bus, my would-be-father-in-law was also travelling. Both of us were seated separately. On reaching Bangalore, my father-in-law-to-be asked me about the purpose of my visit. I told him that I was going to my brother's house, and he told me that he too was going to his relative's house. Both were hesitant to reveal the real purpose of the visit. Then I expressed the purpose of my visit, and he also came out that the purpose of his visit was also to give the first marriage invitation to Swami.

My father-in-law, Mr. K.A. Ramachandra Iyer has also been a staunch devotee of Swami since early sixties. Both of us went to Brindavan, Whitefields by engaging an auto-rickshaw. We reached Brindavan around 4 p.m. We noticed that a car was parked in front of Swami's residence. One North Indian couple, my father-in-law and myself were standing at the gate. None else was present. Then Swami came out and was about to enter into the car.

But on seeing us Swami walked towards us. The North Indian couple garlanded Swami and got Padanamaskar. We gave our marriage invitations to Swami and He blessed us by patting both of us on our shoulders after allowing us to take Padanamaskar.

Bhagavan came to Dharmapuri in the year 1976 for inaugurating the state level conference of Tamilnadu Sathya Sai Seva Samiti members. In the evening, a public meeting was arranged in the Government School ground. Until the visit of Swami, there was no rain for some months. After Swami completed His Discourse and left the dais, it started raining. We expressed our immense thanks to Swami for having showered upon us His bountiful grace in the form of rain to the people of Dharmapuri.

Dharmapuri is on the National Highway from Bangalore to Kodaicanal Road. Whenever Swami went to Kodaicanal and back, He used to touch our place. We used to arrange a pendal and dais for Swami to give Darshan. Once during 1998, He gave us the privilege of hosting evening snacks and tea to the students accompanying Him. We were asked to arrange everything and come out.

Swami and party first came to the pendal erected opposite Chennaraya Perumal Koyil (temple). After Darshan they moved towards Mathura Bai Sundari Raja Rao Kalyana Mantapam for snacks. At the door, the Collector and the Superintendent of Police met Swami. Bhagavan materialized vibhuti and gave it to the Collector. The SP was a Muslim. 'Do you like to have vibhuti?' Bhagavan enquired directly. Only when the SP said 'yes', Swami materialised vibhuti and gave it to him. I had the good fortune to be present on the scene.

Then Swami with His entourage entered into the premises. The local convenor Mr. N. Jagannathan and myself were standing outside the Hall. Suddenly the convenor of the Northwest zone, Mr. N.S.K Sami came out, called us and wanted us to go in and serve the snacks to the party. Before leaving the Hall, Swami gave Padanamaskar to our local convenor. Mr. Anil Kumar prodded me to go and take padanamaskar, but I hesitated, Swami had not called. Then Swami who was looking in the opposite direction turned towards us and called me and gave Padanamaskar.'

-- Mr. A. V. Narasimhan,

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 28.10.2004.)