Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group V | Mr. A. Rangaiah

Mr. A. Rangaiah,
D.No. 7-1-33, Tandoor - 501 141.

Tel: 08411-273087

Mr. A Rangaiah (58), dealer in shahbad stones, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'My mother was admitted in the Osmania Hospital in 1975 for some ailment. Then some persons came and gave her vibhuti.

'This is the vibhuti of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba' they told us, 'it will be beneficial to you not only in healing, but in many other ways.'

That is the first time I heard about Bhagavan. Then I did not pay any attention to it.

My father, Mr. Gundaiah was a spiritual master administering mantra-deeksha to his devotees. In 1988, some of his devotees took him to Prasanthi Nilayam when he had darshan of Bhagavan. While returning, he brought a photograph of Bhagavan and put it in the pooja.

'Why did you put this photograph in pooja?' I asked my father, 'you are yourself a spiritual preceptor. Why do you require others?'

My father smiled and said 'worship him. He throws around many diamonds of His teachings. Take them and make use of them. If we ignore diamonds thinking that they are some glass pieces, we are the losers'.

So, I began worshipping Him.

In 1989, a bhajan mandali was started by some Sai devotees in our village. We used to conduct bhajans in various houses by rotation. Soon, Sri Sathya Sai Samithi also was formed.

I visited Prasanthi Nilayam in 1990. It was my first visit. There I had darshan of Bhagavan for the first time.

Earlier, in November 89, we conducted akhandabhajan in a rented hall. As usual, we placed a chair for Bhagavan. One Mr. Manikyappa, a priest from a nearby village, came to us on some work. He was not a Sai devotee. He sat with us as bhajan was going on, for two or three songs. 'When will Swami come again?' He asked. 'He is in Puttaparthi', I replied 'he won't come here now'. 'But He was here when I came' Mr. Manikyappa told me, 'He was sitting in that chair there.' We were amazed. 'We place a chair for Bhagavan' I told him 'because we assume that He will attend the bhajan to bless us. We are happy to hear what you tell us. You are blessed by Bhagavan with His darshan'.

From 1992 to 2004, we set apart the upstairs portion of our house exclusively for Swami. Bhajans as well as Samithi activities used to be conducted there. Later, a new mandir was constructed.

While a bhajan was being held in the house of one Mr. J. Srimantha Rao in Tandoor, vibhuti emanated on February 26, 2001 from the photograph of Bhagavan. We were all excited. It was emanating like that for about two years. A fortnight before the bhajan was held in his house when vibhuti came first time, akshatas fell under Bhagavan's photograph. Mr. Rao collected them and kept aside. When some devotees wanted to see them, he opened the packet. To his surprise, there were more akshatas than he had placed in the packet. They grew in quantity like that for some days.

My son Kiran Kumar got admission in Engineering in a private college and I paid Rs. 30,000 as fee also. But he did not like to burden me with his study in a private college. This was in 1995. He went to Prasanthi Nilayam for seva. In those days, Swami used to give padanamaskar to all sevadal at the end of seva. My son asked Swami, 'Swami, I want to study Engineering with a free seat'. Swami said, 'manchidi' and blessed him.

On return to Tandoor, he was told that the earlier counselling results were cancelled and that he had to appear for counselling again. In the re-counselling, he got a free seat owing to Swami's grace. He is now in Dallas, USA as a software Engineer. He is my third and last son.

My eldest son Mohan Kumar had a health problem. Doctors diagnosed it as epilepsy. We tried Allopathy, Ayurveda and Homoeo - all in vain. He came to Prasanthi Nilayam. He sat in darshan line with a letter. Swami took the letter. From that day he has had no fits till now. He has been cured completely and miraculously.

My second son, Sanjiv Kumar came for seva two or three years back to Prasanthi Nilayam. He got seva at Swami's residence. One day Swami called some students and was distributing money. My son stood at a distance in his allotted place. Swami called him signalling with His hand. When he went near, Swami asked him, 'have I given you?'

My son said, 'Swami! I am sevadal'.

Swami smiled and gave him Rs. 500 currency note. We had it framed and preserved in our house.'

-- Mr. A. Rangaiah.

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 15.11.2005.)