Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group III | Mr. A.K. Nagesh

Mr. A.K. Nagesh
Sai Ganga Apartments
Bellattur, Kadugodi Po,
Bangalore - 560 067
Mobile: 92471-25967

Mr. A.K. Nagesh (48), a taxi owner and driver, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'We belong to Yerrangodapalem in Cuddapah district. My mother, Mrs. Vidya was brought up in Puttaparthi. In her childhood, she used to play with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba who was also a boy then.

I went to Bombay in 1967 and did all sorts of jobs and businesses there. I returned to Puttaparthi in 1989 when I lost my father. As I did not like to go back to Bombay, I worked for sometime in the Hospital at Puttaparthi.

In 1989, when I was in Darshan line, Swami came to me and dangled the keys of a car before my eyes.

'Take these', Swami told me handing over the keys to me, 'and drive the Fiat - ATA 1800.' I had the good fortune to be in the service of Bhagavan till 1993. One day Swami came to me when I was in Darshan line.

'Give me the car keys', He said.

I gave. Later, I joined Prince Carriers. One day I received a fax message from Ms. Monica Table from Germany, 'meet me at the Bangalore Airport'. My boss was furious. 'How is that customers contact you directly', he asked, 'I don't want in my service people like you who deal with customers directly'. I told him, 'I don't know who this lady is and why she wants me to meet her'. He did not believe. I had to leave his employment.

I went to the Bangalore Airport with a placard carrying 'Monica Table'. She could place me easily.

'Bring your car', she told me.

'I have no car', I told her, 'and I lost my job'. I explained to her how her fax message had got me the sack.

'OK!' She told me, 'stay with me in my employ'.

I joined her employment.

'Why did you send that fax to me?' I asked, 'I did not know you earlier'.

'Swami asked me to help you', she said. She did not tell me how Swami had told her, whether it was in a dream, in person, or some other way.

She gave me Rs. 50,000 to buy a car, and another Rupees one lakh for building a house.

I sat in Darshan line at Prasanthi Nilayam.

'I want to build a house at Puttaparthi', I told Swami.

'Build in Bangalore' Swami said and moved away. So I went and bought a site in Bellattur in Kadugodi. I had no money to build the house.

'Why not build multi-storeyed flats?' someone suggested, 'those who buy flats will advance money'.

So I launched the apartment plan. All my flats were sold out owing to Swami's grace. I got a couple of flats for me besides making a handsome profit. I could clear the loan I had raised for buying the car for use as taxi. Owing to the grace of Bhagavan, all my children are well settled.

One day Bhagavan told me in Darshan line, 'come to Puttaparthi'.

I rented a house here and shifted.

I always wonder how Bhagavan, out of His bountiful grace and love, lifted me up from scratch and made me what I am today, and gratefully do pranams to the Lord.'

-- Mr. A.K. Nagesh

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 08.02.2005.)