Features | Virtual Veda University | MOU

Memorandum of Understanding

Between Sri Sathya Sai Veda Pratishtan (SSSVP)
& Hindu University of America (HU)

This MOU is signed between

(i) Sri Sathya Sai Veda Pratishtan, a Trust registered at Secunderabad, devoted to promoting learning and research in Veda including all Veda-sakhas, Veda-angas, Upa-Vedas, Upa-angas, Sastras, and Sanskrit, and to being a Virtual Veda University. The Virtual Veda University has its registered office at Prasanthi Nilayam, Anantapur District, AP, India, hereinafter referred to as SSSVP.


(ii) Hindu University of America, incorporated in USA, devoted to the mission of providing for learning, research and training in a broad spectrum of topics related to Vedic/Hindu culture including religion, philosophies, practices, etc., including Vedic tradition in all its aspects, based at 113 Econlockhatchee Trail, Orlando, Florida 32825, USA, hereinafter referred to as HU.

This MOU witnesseth as follows:

1. a. Whereas SSSVP has brought all Veda-sakhas including 96 Upanisads, available in print in Devanagari script, with       bhashya on to the portal at www.vedamu.org to serve as the basis of Vedic studies;

b. Whereas SSSVP has brought Brahmasutras in Devanagari script with bhashya by Shankara in Sanskrit but in Telugu script, and detailed commentary in Telugu on to the portal;
c. Whereas SSSVP has brought the English rendering of the Veda-sakhas including Upanisads and Brahmasutras to the extent available in print, on to the portal;
d. Whereas SSSVP has brought the different modes of chanting of all the Veda-sakhas presently rendered in the country including eleven modes of chanting of Rigveda on to the portal;
e. Whereas SSSVP has brought the basic works on Ayurveda in Devanagari script, on to the portal;
f. Whereas SSSVP has brought Ayurveda applications, and Vedic Astrology structured for practical application on to the portal; 
g. Whereas SSSVP has brought 'Learn Sanskrit' module on to the portal with a view to enabling total strangers to Sanskrit to learn it from the beginning up to the stage of Master's degree in Sanskrit;
h. Whereas SSSVP has brought a number of books in English, Sanskrit and in Telugu bearing on Vedic learning and studies, and also several related articles under Features on to the portal; and
I. Whereas SSSVP is planning to undertake Distance Education in Vedic studies such as Vedanta, Advaita, Visista-advaita, Mimamsa, Nyaya, Sanskrit, Upa-vedas such as Ayurveda, Sastras such as Jyothisha, etc;
j. Whereas SSSVP is seeking to be accredited to be Virtual Veda University by the Virtual University Accreditation Association and is, in that capacity, to award Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees to Vedic scholars including Sanskrit scholars 
2. a. Whereas HU is authorized, by Florida State Department of Education - State Commission for Independent  Education, to award Masters and Doctoral degrees currently in the following areas of Hindu Studies:
Hindu Philosophies
Yoga Philosophy and Meditation
Yoga Education (Only Master degree)
Ayurvedic sciences (Only Master degree)
Hindu/Vedic Astrology
Divine Music
   Its central offices and campus are at 113 Econlockhatchee Trail, Orlando, Florida 32825, USA.
b. Whereas HU is committed to quality teaching of and research on Hinduism to bring its benefits of peace, harmony and health on earth which has become most relevant in this age;
c. Whereas HU has been seeing the explosive interest in Hinduism in general and the use of Vedic tradition in particular in USA and the world at large;
d. Whereas HU further understands that the Vedic tradition is being used not only in academia but also has started becoming the in-thing in the modern high-tech era due to its immense application potentialities as a way of life and its width and depth amenable to modern scientific research as well;
e. Whereas HU is desirous of bringing the holistic perspectives of the Vedic tradition as envisioned by the great Hindu monks, saints and sages throughout the ages;
f. Whereas HU is committed of bringing this great contribution of Hinduism as part of the work of HU in USA and other countries;
g. Whereas HU has highly qualified teachers (full time and adjunct), with research degrees, experience of guiding research, research publications, for teaching its courses and guiding research; and
h. Whereas some of the faculty members of the HU have been closely associated with developing the course content for Distance Education modules in Sanskrit.

The two Institutions hereby agree, through this MOU, to collaborate as follows: 

3. a. The SSSVP offers to HU its portal at www.vedamu.org to run some of its Distance Education programs, either in full or in part, as the HU determines;
b. The two Institutions agree to exchange of Faculty and personnel for mutual benefit, and for proper conduct of programs;
c. The two Institutions agree to placement of students admitted to either, to the other, for part or for the whole of the program that is available with the two Institutions in the Distance Education mode;
d. The two Institutions agree to sponsor research projects including publication of books by way of translation, to one another, and in such cases, the outcome of research / publications would be the joint property of the two Institutions;
e. The two Institutions agree to share the course material for studies of different programs undertaken by either or both; and
f. The two Institutions agree to recognize the degrees awarded by either that constitute the support qualification for award of higher degrees in the programs (disciplines) available in either Institution.

4. Whereas there is an intention for a long term association between the two Institutions; 

a. The two Institutions for the present agree to limit this MOU for the period ending December 31, 2006, with provision for extension with mutual consent.
b. The two Institutions agree that this agreement will take place immediately after signing by both parties. This agreement may be modified at any time by the mutual consent of HA and SSSVP and may be terminated by either party after giving six months notice. 
We, representing the two Institutions SSSVP and HU, sign this MOU on this day, February 23, 2004.
(K. R. Paramahamsa) 
Sri Sathya Sai Veda Pratishtan 
Virtual Veda University 
(K. C. Gupta) 
Hindu University of America 
Orlando, Florida (USA)