Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group VI | Former Student

A Former Student of Brindavan Campus,
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learnning
Brindavan Campus, Whitefield, Bangalore.

       A former student of the Brindavan Campus of the SSSIHL narrates an incident in which a deer, very dear to Bhagavan, was blessed by Him before it attained deliverance.

'In 1976, a small number of deer were brought from the Madhumalai forest to Brindavan, and the grounds were cordoned off for the deer cage. Everyday, Bhagavan Baba would feed the deer with apples. A small cage inside also had a few partridges and parrots. Some students were blessed with the opportunity of maintaining the cages. One day, as Bhagavan was coming towards us after feeding the deer, looking at our faces pressed against the mesh, with a twinkle in His eye He indicated the students and told an elderly devotee, 'These are two legged 'dear'. Those are My four legged deer. All are dear to me.' We were thrilled by His statement.

Years later, it was a hot summer day in 1988. The time was around 2:30 p.m. In the place of the old bungalow now stands the new Trayee Brindavan. A few boys observed a strange spectacle. A female deer was looking longingly up at the window of the rooms on the first floor, where Bhagavan lived. There is only one language - the language of the heart. What prayers the deer (which was among the first deer to come to Brindavan) addressed to the Lord, we shall never know. But the response was swift. The doors of Trayee opened, and Bhagavan walked quickly down the marble steps, across the hot marble floor, instructing the students to get some apples. He entered the cage and patted the deer affectionately. As the fruits were brought on a tray, Bhagavan fed the deer with His own hands. The deer ate the apple pieces quickly. Bhagavan finished feeding it, and after patting it lovingly, He left. After a few minutes the deer collapsed.'

                        (Courtesy: http://www.cosmicharmony.com/)