Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Dr. Y.Bhattacharyulu

Dr. Y.Bhattacharyulu,
Project Coordinator (Rtd),
All India Coordinated Research Project
1-5-41/3, Marutinagar, Chaitanyapuri, Hyderabad - 500 060
Tel: 040-24051233

Dr. Y.Bhattacharyulu (66), a noted veterinary scientist and a Sai devotee, narrates in his own words, how Bhagavan saved him from a serious cardiac ailment without recourse to surgery.

'On May 5, 1998, I had been to Ludhiana to participate in a special meeting at the Agricultural University there. On May 09, 1998, suddenly I felt chest pain. Immediately I was shifted to Dayananda Medical College Hospital for treatment. There I was an in-patient for two weeks. The diagnosis was that I was suffering from Ischaemic Heart Disease. I underwent Thread Mill Test (TMT) on June 22. I was discharged on June 23, 1998 from the Hospital and I was advised complete rest. On the advice of the Doctor, I underwent angiography in the Escort Hospital, Delhi on July 6. The angiogram revealed that I had three blocks in my heart - the first of 99%, the second of 70% and the third of 40%. I was told to undergo ballooning within 10 days.

My wife showed that videocassette to the Doctors at Sri Sathya Sai Superspecialities Hospital at Puttaparthi. Those Doctors said that I should undergo angioplasty within 10 days. And they fixed July 30 as the date to do angioplasty to me. They also insisted that I should be admitted in the Hospital at least two days before. Only then they could do the angioplasty.

I reached Puttaparthi on July 29 and had Darshan of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba the same day. On July 30, I took part in Suprabhatam and had once again the Darshan of Bhagavan. Then I went to the Hospital. The Doctors at the Hospital saw once again the videocassette of my angiography and heard the recording. Then they made me undergo the TMT. On examination, the Doctors came to the conclusion that my heart was normal, and that I needed no surgical intervention. They prescribed some medicines. When I asked them why they were not doing angioplasty, they said that due to Bhagavan's grace my heart had become normal once again. Now the condition of my heart is much better than earlier. I am able to get along, only on medication.

I am now able to walk up to 6 kms without any problem. Nor do I feel any chest pain now. All this is due to Bhagavan's grace. Doctors at Puttaparthi told me that they had seen many cases where patients had got cured by Bhagavan's grace alone, and the need for surgery was never felt with regard to them again.'

-- Dr. Bhattacharyulu.

(As received in post by B.Parvatala Rao at Puttaparthi on 14.05.2004.)