Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Dr. U.S.N.Murthy

Dr. U.S.N.Murthy
Plot No. 308, Visalakshi Nagar
Visakhapatnam - 530 043
Tel: 0891-2530109

Dr. U.S.N.Murthy (50), a Medical Practitioner, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I had the good fortune of coming to Prasanthi Nilayam from Visakhapatnam by the maiden run of Prasanthi Express. The whole journey was spent with hearing Swami's Leelas and Bhajans. At every station, Sri Sathya Sai Samiti members used to come and distribute sweets and savoury out of joy for getting a direct train to Prasanthi Nilayam.

On arrival at Prasanthi Nilayam, we went for Darshan. That day Swami came in the morning from ladies side and went in. We did not get good Darshan though my wife Dr. (Mrs.) Mangala and our daughter Ms. Sneha could get good Darshan. Therefore, I began to pray to Swami for a good Darshan. As if Bhagavan had heard my prayers, He sat in front of us all through the afternoon. That was my first visit to Prasanthi Nilayam.

Later, I participated in a Medical Camp in 2002 along with other Doctors of Visakhapatnam, at Puttaparthi organized by the old students of Swami. To our great fortune, we were all given group interview. I could have the luck of touching Swami's lotus feet with both hands and have Padanamaskar. Ever since, I have been going to Prasanthi Nilayam for Medical Camps organized by the old students.

On January 1, 2002, Swami presented watches to all of us that participated in the Medical Camp. The student who brought them to us said, 'Swami placed His handkerchief on the table. It was empty. Then, Swami asked me to lift it. To the surprise of everyone, it was full of watches. Then Swami gestured to take them and distribute to the Doctors who participated in the Medical Camp'.

I have been wearing that watch always. It has protected me from two serious accidents. Both times, some unseen hand pulled me to safety. When I was going in Visakhapatnam on my scooter, a TATA Sumo hit my scooter. But there was no damage to me or to the scooter miraculously.

I suffered heart attack in February 2001. I was admitted in the Hospital. Tests revealed that I was suffering from coronary artery disease. I wrote a letter to the Super Specialities Hospital, Puttaparthi for an appointment. It was difficult to get appointment there. Yet I was given appointment earlier than expected. It was in May. Swami was in Brindavan. So we went to Brindavan first, had Darshan for three days and then came to the Super Specialities Hospital at Puttaparthi. They did angiogram and said, 'no need to worry'. I was put only on medication.

In March 2003, I went for follow-up. We were going by train from Visakhapatnam. After crossing Eluru, I had chest pain. I could not take tablets from the bag for fear of attracting the attention of my wife. If she woke up and knew about my chest pain, she would be worried very much. I intensely prayed to Bhagavan. After some time, I slipped into sleep. That night I had a dream. Swami appeared in my dream. He took out my heart. I could see all that clearly in my dream. He squeezed some white material out of it. He replaced my heart. The dream ended. Next day I was all right. We went for check up to the Super Specialities Hospital. I underwent the Thread Mill Test. The result was normal. I have been keeping sound health ever since.'

-- Dr. U.S.N.Murthy

(According to the letter detailing the above account written to Mr. B.Parvatala Rao from Visakhapatnam on 12.07.2004.)