Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group V | Dr. S. Satyanarayana

Dr. S. Satyanarayana,
24-143 / 2 / 1, Anandbagh,
Saffilguda, Hyderabad - 500 047.

Tel: 040-2724 0272, Mobile: 98480-51349

Dr. S. Satyanarayana is a leading medical practitioner at Hyderabad. Incidentally, he maintains Sri Sathya Sai Vijaya Mandiram at Anandbagh, Secunderabad where innumerable miracles of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai take place almost everyday. He relates only a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'I went to Prasanthi Nilayam for the first time for seva in November 1975 responding to a call from Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Hyderabad. I had darshan of Bhagavan for the first time then, and also had padanamaskar. On the last day of seva, Swami blessed us all who had participated in the medical camp there.

In 1981, I went to Prasanthi Nilayam again. Then Swami called me for an interview. He materialized a few rings and chains and gave them to some people in the interview. 'What do you want?' Swami asked me during the interview. 'Your grace Swami' I replied. He repeated the question and I gave the same answer. He kept His hand on my head and blessed me saying, 'I will be with you'.

In 1985, I went to Prasanthi Nilayam when Bhagavan called me for interview again. He asked me 'what do you want?' and I replied, 'nothing except Your grace, Swami!'

In 1987, I went to Prasanthi Nilayam and Swami called me for interview. 'You have a site at Hyderabad' Swami told me, 'build a mandir there. I will come.' I didn't know what to say. When I returned to Hyderabad, I broached the matter with members of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, Hyderabad. 'Your site is in an interior place' they told me, 'it is not suitable for mandir'. The matter rested there.

In 1995, I went to Prasanthi Nilayam. Swami called me for interview. 'Why did you not build the mandir?' He asked me. I explained that some people thought that the site is not suitable for the mandir. 'No' said Swami, 'you build mandir there itself. I will come and stay.'

I started raising the mandir on my own without going round collecting donations. The mandir work was taken up in 2000. Mr. Krishna Murthy brought one large size photograph of Bhagavan from his house and kept it in the hall of the mandir. In December 2001, vibhuti began emanating from the photograph of Shirdi Sai, pasted to a tree in the premises. We thought that some cement had fallen on it as work was still going on. Later, it began to emanate even after cleaning it.

I went to Prasanthi Nilayam in 2003. Swami called me for interview. When I broached about the mandir, Swami said 'I have been coming. Have you not noticed?'

In January 2005, I came to Prasanthi Nilayam. By that time Swami was showing His leelas continuously in the mandir. His leelas are a common daily occurrence here. Vibhuti as well as amrit emanate on several photographs of Bhagavan, Shirdi Sai, etc. Many devotees visiting the mandir have been blessed with medallions or coins with pictures of Shirdi Sai, Parthi Sai and Aum. Lingas, idols and many other articles like rudrakshas materialise in hundreds. More than a couple of hundreds of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai's idols in white metal have so far appeared in a series. Even a glass panelled cupboard cum dressing table came into the mandir recently. As we opened the door the next morning as usual, we noticed the cupboard. The size of that cupboard is more than that of the entrance. How it could be brought in is a mystery. So we assumed that it had materialised there itself. When Varalakshmi Vratams were conducted in 2005, Swami appeared seated in the middle of ladies performing the vratam, when a photograph was teken.

We acquired the house to the south of the mandir. The house owner refused initially to sell it but, by Swami's grace, agreed later.

Swami told me on the astral plane 'build Venkata Sai mandir' in the newly acquired area. Some persons from Shirdi Sai Samsthan, who visited the mandir, offered to give the idols of Ganapathi, Shirdi Sai and Dattatreya. When the idol of Shirdi Sai arrived, we were surprised to find vertical namams on the forehead! Then I realised why Swami had said 'build the mandir of Venkata Sai'. Recently, after installation of Shirdi Sai idol in the extension to the south, a Nandi appeared before the Sai idol. As of now, the last idol to materialise in the mandir on November 23, 2005, the 80th Birthday of Bhagavan, is Krishna's idol.

I was working on a bore well sometime ago in my house near the mandir when, in the soil taken out, a club wielded by Anjaneya appeared. It is very heavy. After that, Anjaneya idol also came out of the soil as the work on the bore well was progressing. We moved the idol and the club to the mandir later. The bore well has, however, yielded plenty of water.

Owing to Swami's grace, the mandir has been developed well. There is now a marriage hall with a dining hall on the upper floor. Sri Sathya Sai Veda Pathasala is proposed to be started in 2006 on a floor of the extended mandir with the help of the TTD and the cooperation of the Veda Bhavan.

Bhagavan saved me served times from dangerous and difficult situations indicating that He has always been with me. In 2004, I was going in my car to attend a marriage when passers by noticed smoke emanating from the engine, and alerted me. I stopped the car, sent my family to the marriage venue by an auto and went about looking for a mechanic. As I could not find any, I returned to my car. I found marks of hand in vibhuti on the bonnet. Surprisingly, the car started without any problem. By the handprints in vibhuti I realized that Bhagavan had come to my rescue.

I went to attend Godavari Pushkaralu with a few others in a Tata Sumo a few years ago. As I was sitting holding the door plank, someone slapped the door inadvertently and it closed with my palm in. By the impact of the thrust of the closure, my palm should have suffered concussion as well as fracture of bones. But nothing of that sort happened owing to His grace.

I got an arch erected before the entrance to the mandir in the street. I took several designs for approval of Swami, who looked at them but put them aside. We dropped further improvements to the arch as none of the designs was approved by Bhagavan.

Swami gave me on November 10, 2005 yantras to be placed while installing Venkata Sai idol. We kept those yantras under the idol.'

-- Dr. S. Satyanarayana

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at the mandir, Anandbagh, Hyderabad on 12.12.2005)