Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan | Group V | Dr. Mrs. J. Geetha Reddy

Dr. Mrs. J. Geetha Reddy,
Minister for Tourism & Sugar,
Government of Andhra Pradesh,
Hyderabad-500 038.

Dr. Mrs. J. Geetha Reddey has been a successful medical practitioner at Hyderabad. She has been a Minister in the Government of Andhra Pradesh at present. She is an ardent devotee of Bhagavan. She narrates her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'In 1980, at a young age, while living aboard, my husband Dr. Ramachandra Reddy suddenly suffered a left sided paralytic stroke. We had him treated in the best hospitals in London, but to no avail. Till then we had only been hearing about Sri Sathya Sai Baba. When all else failed, we came to India to have darshan of Bhagavan and be blessed by Him. Indeed, that was our first visit to Him in May 1980 when Bhagavan was in Whitefield. At the beginning of the darshan, He went straight to where my husband was standing, supported by his elder brother. Swami touched my husband's left side of the body and said 'bagaipotavu Bangaru' (you will recover). When He came towards the ladies side, he came directly to me and said, 'adhairyapadaku, bagaipothadu' (do not get disheartened, he will be alright).

With my scientific bent of mind I could not understand how He knew about the problem and how He knew I am his wife - no one had introduced us to Him!

That was our first introduction to our Lord, so dramatic! My husband started to get better. Today no one can never guess that he had a paralytic stroke. We went back to live aboard again.

Swami's omnipresence is mind-boggling. He knows everything; we are open books to Him. In 1995 I had a horrible car accident; the car was smashed; it rolled over thrice into a low ditch. But I got away without a scratch! Someone out of the blue came to the car in that dark December night and pulled me out of the car, put me in the bus and sent me home. I have never seen that kind man again. Is He Swami Himself? It has to be because He knew my name.

Once when I went to Kathmandu (Nepal) in 1998 to attend a women's conference, I experienced a wonderful leela of our Lord. After the conference was over, I was taken to a Sai devotee's house. The lady was brought back to life by our Lord! There I could feel His presence; so I said to Him aloud 'Lord, show me that You are here'. Lo and behold - a huge marigold flower flew at me from nowhere! I was ecstatic; there were another and again another from three different directions. He was there and showing me His presence indeed.

In 1997, we were with Swami in Kodaikanal, enjoying the prakrti and the Purusha (our Lord). I had then been suffering from hypothyroidism for five years. I never mentioned this to Swami. On the day we were leaving, He materialized a silver casket full of vibhuti for me. Ever since, I have been taking the vibhuti. In no time my thyroid became normal; till today I have not had any thyroid medication. Thyroid problems are usually lifelong and one has to be on medication continuously. This is proof of His omniscience, and also His care and compassion for an ordinary moral. Take one step towards Him and He takes ten steps towards us.'

-- Dr. Mrs. J. Geetha Reddy

(Source: The devotee's article in the special souvenir Tribute published by the Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publications Trust on the occasion of the 80th Birthday of Bhagavan.)