Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Dr. (Mrs.) D.S.Mangala

Dr. (Mrs.) D.S.Mangala
W/o Dr. U.S.N.Murthy
Plot No. 308, Visalakshi Nagar
Visakhapatnam - 530 043
Tel: 0891-2530109

Dr. (Mrs.) D.S.Mangala (44), Reader, C.R.College, Eluru, narrates a few of her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'It was in 1976. I first heard about Sri Sathya Sai Baba from our neighbour at Kakinada, Mrs. K.Sakuntala Devi whom we used to call Ammamma (granny). Bhajans used to be conducted in the house of Neduris, which was near to our house. It used to be said that vibhuti used to emanate from the Photograph of Swami in their house. Sometimes, it was said, flowers used to fall from Swami's Photographs. I did not give much credence to these stories as I was amateurish, and was under the influence of my non-believing friends.

In 1998, we shifted to Visakhapatnam. I could not secure a good job. I had been married, too. As I used to speak frankly, I faced some problems in the society as well as in my in-laws' house. The same year, we came to Prasanthi Nilayam for the first time - my father-in-law, my husband, our daughter, Sneha and myself. We came by the maiden run of Prasanthi Express amidst enthusiastic receptions at stations enroute by Sai devotees.

On arrival at Prasanthi Nilayam, Sneha and I went for Darshan even without taking bath, as there was no time. My father-in-law came for Darshan only after taking bath. As we went in time, we had good Darshan. We returned to our room and took bath and went again. One volunteer took us and seated us exactly on the way by which Swami would return to His residence in Poornachandra Auditorium from the Mandir.

Swami, while going in front of us, raised His hand and gestured to us as if he was asking, 'what do you want?' I was not aware at that time that we could take Padanamaskar when He was before us. However, I felt immensely happy on having His Darshan. It was, indeed, blissful.

On return to our room, we learnt that my Father-in-law missed Darshan at 7 a.m. as well as at 9 a.m. also. We were afraid that he would have to go back without Darshan as we had to leave for Visakhapatnam in the afternoon. But Swami, in His compassion, not only gave Darshan to all of us, but also was moving among the devotees for nearly half-an-hour.

We were scheduled to return by the evening train. The time of our departure was drawing to a close. I did not feel like getting up and leave when Swami was before us. So I prayed in my mind, 'Swami! We have to leave now. But how can we leave when you are before us?' Suddenly, Swami got up and went into the room. Immediately we came out. After we came out, we saw that He had returned from the room into Sai Kulwanth Hall again. It was as if He had gone inside for a few minutes only to facilitate our departure.

On my return to Visakhapatnam, I got a job in Bullayya College only on my bio-data and even without an interview. I still feel that it is owing to Swami's grace that I got the job - the result of that first and blissful Darshan. Days began to pass happily for sometime.

My husband had heart attack and was admitted in a Hospital in February 2001. We spent many anxious moments praying to Swami and Lord Venkateswara all the time. He was discharged with an advice to undergo further tests. We took him to the Super Specialities Hospital at Puttaparthi with prior appointment. As Swami was at Brindavan, we went there and had Darshan of Swami for three days before leaving for Puttaparthi where he underwent angiogram. I was praying to Swami silently, 'Swami! Come in the form of a Doctor and do angiogram to my husband and save him'. After doing angiogram, the Doctors said that there was no need to worry and advised medication. He is all right now owing to Swami's grace.

My mother's health was always problematic. I used to feel guilty that I was not in a position to serve her. She underwent as many as 25 surgeries. Once in 2001, she developed gangrene in the toe. Doctors feared that the leg would have to be amputated up to the knee. I could not think of her becoming lame or bedridden. I prayed to Swami, 'Swami! Heal her. If not, take her away. But don't make her lame.' I don't know what happened. The Doctors said, 'first we will change the antibiotic and see. If there is no improvement, we will do surgery'. Thus they changed the antibiotic. She miraculously improved. She could escape just with amputation of her toe owing to Swami's grace.

In August 2001, she fell ill again and was admitted in the Hospital with edema. At that time, I got Reader's post in C.R.College, Eluru. Even though my mother's condition was serious, I had to shift to Eluru and join my new job. I still feel guilty for doing so leaving her in that position. I prayed to Swami, 'Swami! Let her leave (this body) in peace and without pain'. It is not for a daughter to pray for the death of her mother. But I did so to see that she suffered no more. She was taken to Gujarath to be with our people there.

Swami later appeared in my dream and laughed at me mockingly. He then poured golden leaves in my hand. This happened while I was at Prasanthi Nilayam. Most unexpectedly, we all went there with my husband who was participating in a Medical Camp there. On the return journey, I got down at Eluru and went straight to the college. Later, I went to the mess. While I was coming from the mess, a crow came flying and kicked me on the head. I considered it as a bad omen. On reaching my room, I had a telephone call from Visakhapatnam informing me that my mother had passed away peacefully in sleep. Our people distributed among her daughters her gold jewellery. I could then realize the meaning of my dream. For a long time, I was thinking that it would be good to have black beads linked with gold thread. With the gold of my mother that came to my share, I could get such a gold chain of black beads. Though I could not be of any service to her, she helped me fulfill my desire for a gold chain of black beads even when she was no more in her body.

One day Mr. Aswini Kumar came to give a guest lecture. 'Are you taking the class on Friday', I asked him.

'No', he replied, 'I have to leave for Prasanthi Nilayam for Sivaratri'.

'What a lucky person', I thought but said, 'I am unable to go to Swami'.

The same day my husband telephoned me and said, 'I got an appointment for check up at Puttaparthy Hospital. I am going there with my uncle'.

'Why uncle, I will come with you', I said.

We made arrangement for children to stay back as they were having exams. My father came all the way from Gujarath to be with children. So, we could leave for Puttaparthi without any anxiety about children.

We were at Prasanthi Nilayam on March 1. It was my birthday. I thought I was the unlucky person who could not go to Prasanthi Nilayam. But Swami made me the lucky person who could spend her birthday at Prasanthi Nilayam. What a grace! That day was Sivaratri also. We had Darshan of Swami. We witnessed Lingodbhavam. In fact, I could not enter the hall at all due to the heavy rush. We sat where ladies are seated for tokens usually. Unexpectedly Swami came there first, raised both His hands and blessed all of us and went into the hall. From where we sat, we could witness Lingodbhavam. This was all on my birthday due to the grace of Swami. When Swami was taking out Lingam, I thought I saw a piece of flesh come out of Swami's mouth. But when He lifted it and showed to all, it was a clean and shining linga.

Later, we went to the Super Specialities Hospital for check up of my husband. I was worried and prayed to Swami, 'Swami! It is not a miracle for me that you took out a linga. It will be a miracle for me only if my husband's reports indicate normalcy'. I literally challenged Him. At the end of the tests, all were normal! We immediately telephoned to my Father-in-law. He was so overwhelmed with the joy that he broke down and wept!'

-- Dr. D.S.Mangala

(According to her written note sent to Mr. B.Parvatala Rao by post from Visakhapatnam on 12.07.2004.)