Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group V | Dr. Madhu Kapani

Dr. Madhu Kapani,
Reader & Head, Faculty of Education
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning,
Anantapur Campus.

Dr. Madhu Kapani, Reader & Head, Faculty of Education in the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur Campus narrates a few of her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'Our family came into the fold of Bhagavan in the late sixties. My elder sister was instrumental in bringing my parents, then me, and later other members of the family to Bhagavan. After my Higher Secondary examinations in 1971, we planned to go on a South Indian tour by road, and enroute have Bhagavan's darshan. On our arrival at Whitefield, we were told that Bhagavan was in Ooty. Having come all the way from Orissa, we decided to proceed to Ooty, although it was not in our itinerary. We reached Ooty in the evening, and I had my first darshan of Bhagavan there, through a window. The Summer Course was going on, the hall was full and so was the lawn. We could just have glimpses of the Lord.

Baba became the centre of our lives. The enchanting form of the Kanakambaradhari adorned every part of the house - the walls, the entrance, the dining room, and the altar. Audio records of His melodious voice played morning and evening. I became a regular visitor to bhajan sessions. The house was vibrant with the greeting 'Sai Ram' exchanged by the many devotee friends who frequented our house. Bhajan and service activities occupied every member of our family.

My mother was a pious lady. She had full faith in Bhagavan. My parents once went to Delhi to meet the prospective bridegroom of my sister. Both the parties met at my cousin's place. My mother believed in matching of the horoscopes. When she asked the boy's family for the horoscope, they in turn asked for my sister's horoscope saying that they would get it tallied through their family pundit. The next day, my parents received a phone call saying that the horoscopes matched well, and if both parties were satisfied, a small engagement ceremony could be organized that evening itself, as the days that followed were not auspicious. If not, they would have to wait for a month to find an auspicious date. My mother was particular to get the opinion of our family pundit. However, this was not possible as they were away from home, and there seemed to be a time constraint. That evening the engagement took place, and we were all very happy when we received the phone call form them. My parents and sister came back to Orissa and we were all looking forward to the arrangements for the marriage.

Back at home, my mother called our family purohit, and asked him to fix up an auspicious date for the marriage. The purohit came with the shocking news that the horoscopes did not match at all. He further added that the marriage might not be successful as the boy had mangal-dosh and that it could be fatal for my sister. My mother didn't know which purohit to believe, so she left the decision to Bhagavan. My parents immediately left for Prasanthi Nilayam to seek Bhagavan's guidance and intervention because the engagement had already taken place. My mother's faith in Bhagavan was so strong that she said, 'if Bhagavan approves of this, then only we shall perform the marriage.' The same was conveyed to the boy's family which did not believe in Bhagavan then.

Bhagavan graciously granted an interview to my parents and said, 'don't worry, Swami daughter ko mangal deta (Swami shall bestow auspiciousness on the daughter), prepare for marriage.' My mother took the opportunity and said, 'Baba, agar aap apne haath se shadi karenge, tab ham haan karenge; nahi to unko mana kardenge (Bhagavan, if you perform the marriage with your divine hands, then we will proceed. If not, we will break the engagement).' Bhagavan, in His compassion and love, agreed to perform the marriage and fixed the 15th November as the date for the wedding. My sister's marriage took place in the interview room. Bhagavan chanted all the mantras and blessed the couple profusely. He created the mangalsutra and gave it to my brother-in-law asking him to tie it around my sister's neck. While he was doing so, Swami looked at my mother and said 'dekho, Swami mangal deta (see, Swami is granting auspiciousness)'. He then created a sugar candy, and jokingly asked both the bride and the bride-groom to put it into each other's mouth. Bhagawan kept His promise of giving mangal to my sister. They are happily married and well settled.

I continued to pursue my higher studies, and completed, in due course, my post-graduation in English Literature. It was during a Balvikas Guru's training camp at Brindavan that my sister, who was a participant, voiced her prayer to Bhagavan. Kneeling beside Him during the group photograph, she said 'Baba, please take my sister as lecturer in English in your college.' Gently Baba replied 'not now, not now, there is time for everything.' Unaware of the silent efforts of my sister, I continued with my studies, completed my B.Ed. and M.Ed. courses, and joined as Lecturer in the Faculty of Education in Sambalpur University. The thought of joining Bhagavan's college never ever crossed my mind at that time.

I was happy with my job. Our home buzzed with spiritual, educational and service activities of the Sai Organization. My sister was an active member who offered services as a Balvikas guru, convener of seva activities, and as a Trust member of the Education in Human Values in Orissa State. She involved me also in these activities. The Balvikas programme blossomed into Education in Human Values programme. I felt drawn to its ideology, methodology and implications. I took to it as a duck takes to water.

The national level symposium on EHV in 1984 brought me as a delegate to the presence of the Perfect One at Prasanthi Nilayam. This was my third visit to Prasanthi Nilayam. The living God willed to give the world value-oriented teachers, and His sankalpa manifested in the form of the Faculty of Education in the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning in 1986. My sister, in whose ears the words of the Lord kept ringing 'there is time for everything,' felt the time was ripe now. She asked me to apply for the lecturer's post, this time, in Education. I did it reluctantly for I never ever dreamt that I would be selected in His Educational Institution.

One fine afternoon, when I returned from the college, my nephews greeted me with bright faces 'so you are going! They have called you for an interview.' So saying, one of the twins ran inside, and brought to me a pink paper. I was happy to read the content of the telegram asking me to attend the interview. The virtuous deeds done in my previous births fructified. Bhagavan showered His grace, and I became His own.

A little after I joined the Bhagavan's college, I developed a desire to gift my mother with a pair of diamond ear studs. I started saving money for this. But soon, an unexpected expenditure which was equally important to me turned up, and I had to divert the money there. In a letter to Swami, I mentioned this matter. A few days later, Bhagavan called my parents and me for an interview. At the end of the interview, he waved his palms, and got out a pair of diamond ear studs. I eagerly stretched my palms to receive the gift, for I presumed that it was meant for me. Bhagavan did give them in my hands, but He asked me to put them on to my mother with my own hands.'

-- Dr. Madhu Kapani

(As extracted from the souvenir Ananta Prematarangini published by the Anantapur Campus of the SSSIHL on the occasion of the 80th Birthday of Bhagavan)