Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group V | Dr. Ch. Radhakumari

Dr. Ch. Radhakumari,
Reader in Commerce
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning,
Anantapur Campus.

Dr. Ch. Radhakumari, Reader in Commerce in the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur Campus narrates a few of her experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in her own words.

'Just two months were left for the final Intermediate examination. According to the system prevailing in the Intermediate Board of Andhra Pradesh in 1978, a single final examination was held at the end of two years of study. Being playful and unaware of my responsibilities, I was very irregular in my studies. I did not think of preparing for the examination despite my parents' continuous coaxing. One fine day, my mother firmly resolved that she would make me study. She even decided to sit with me till late in the night to make sure I did.

The very next day, she received a telegram from her mother, who was living 450 miles away, that she should visit her. My mother, who was unable to make up her mind on the priority of her duties, decided to respond to the telegram. Nevertheless, she was very worried about leaving me alone before the examination. As an ultimate resort, she poured out her heart's agony on Swami's Padukas that were kept in the altar. Just as she was praying, I entered the pooja room. Seeing me, she pleaded more intensely, 'Swami! Please take care of this girl'.

The day she left the house, my elder sister arrived home from Tirupati, where she was doing her Master's degree. A friend of hers, who was an ex-student of the Sri Sathya Sai Arts and Science College, Anantapur, also accompanied her. A strike had been declared overnight and they were asked to vacate the hostels in the middle of the night. Both of them had immediately taken a bus home. My sister's friend is a staunch devotee of Baba, and conducted herself in a manner appreciable to every one in the house and outside. It took nearly ten to fifteen days for my sister's friend to make me understand the need for preparing seriously for the forthcoming examination. Her continuous narration of Swami's experiences inspired me, and created a desire in me to join His College. The desire became very strong and intense by the time she left the house after a month's stay.

The exciting idea of studying in Baba's College made me face the examination boldly after a short but sincere preparation. My mother returned home exactly when this Messenger of Sri Sathya Sai left the house. Noticing the change in my attitude, and the new desire in me to join Swami's College, my mother felt a deep sense of gratitude to Bhagavan. Her daughter was now a transformed person. Indeed, His unseen hand works in response to the prayers of His devotees.

After the examination, I went to Brindavan where the 1978 Summer Course was in progress. I was a happy witness to Swami's personal and loving attention on His students. This strengthened my desire even further. For my dream of joining His College to come true, I had to fulfil certain formalities. Unable to find anyone to guide me, I would weep before Him. The Divine guidance came in the form of inner prompting. I met the concerned authorities and completed the formalities required to take admission in His College. However, I received no communication to confirm my admission. I waited eagerly for the interview call, and when it did not come, I intensified my silent prayers. It was, then, I realized that silent prayers are letters to God and the quickness of His response depends on the earnestness of the call.

One afternoon, in my sleep, I found myself standing in front of the closed gates of Swami's College at Anantapur with my entire bag and baggage. Inside the gate, Swami was overseeing some work of the students. As I waited for sometime, His attention fell on me. He then called by name the same girl, who had visited us two months earlier, and instructed her to open the gates and let me in. The thrill of this experience woke me from sleep. Hardly had I completed narrating this dream to my mother, than the postman knocked at the door and handed over the interview call-card. The Lord taught me that neither time nor distance can restrict Him from reaching out to His devotees if approached through intense and earnest prayers.

One day, during my stay in the hostel at Anantapur, I started missing my parents. This disturbed me and my daily routine. Not knowing how to console myself, I went to Swami's picture in the prayer hall, and cried out to Him. Even as I was pouring out my heart to Him, He gave me a nod of understanding. The nod from the picture made me realize that He is indeed the caretaker of everyone.'

-- Dr. Ch. Radhakumari

(As extracted from the souvenir Ananta Prematarangini published by the Anantapur Campus of the SSSIHL on the occasion of the 80th Birthday of Bhagavan)