Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group V | Dr. Agyeman

Dr. Agyeman,
12, Belmont Avenue,
London - N 134 HD, U.K.

Tel: 882 2741
E-mail: kwadwo_agyeman@hotmail.com

Dr. Agyeman (58), a leading Medical Practitioner, relates a few of his experiences of the Divinity of Bhagavan in his own words.

'Some colleagues in my profession held a medical camp in Ghana in 1985. 'Would you care to join us', they asked me 'to serve the poor patients there?' I gladly agreed. I was a non-vegetarian. In the flight to Ghana, we were all served only vegetarian food as per the instruction of the medical team. They are all vegetarians being the devotees of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. That is when I first learnt about Bhagavan. I too gave up non-vegetarian food from that day.

In 1986, I came to India with the same medical team. We visited a number of places including Shirdi. At that time Bhagavan was in Ooty. I had His darshan for the first time there. Before He came for darshan, I borrowed a book on Shirdi Sai from someone in the darshan line. I gave it a cursory glance and returned it to the person from whom I borrowed it. After that Swami came to the place where we were seated. He touched me on my hand and blessed saying 'good man, good heart!' Suddenly He asked me, 'where is the book?' 'Which book, Swami?' I asked Him as I could not follow what He was driving at. 'The book on Shirdi Baba' Swami replied. All those present were in claps, amazed at His omniscience.

We were fortunate to get a group interview in which Bhagavan gave us many useful tips on conducting the medical camp.

In 1989, I came to Prasanthi Nilayam with my wife, Mrs. Mayfair and son, Earl Agyeman. We had darshan for three days daily, and moved to Brindavan after Swami went there. There also we spent about a week. One day, Mr. Frank, a devotee from Ghana who was with Bhagavan for 20 years, told me 'pray intensely to Bhagavan. He will grant you whatever you want'. That night, I prayed to Bhagavan intensely to grant me interview. The next morning when we were in darshan line, Bhagavan came to me and said 'go', which meant going into the interview room.

During the interview, Swami looked at me and said, 'good heart, good man! What do you do?' 'I am a doctor, Swami!' I replied. 'I know' Swami added, 'a doctor too can be a patient. You are going to London? Go, but look after yourself.' We flew to Madras and then boarded a flight to London. At Kuwait, the plane stopped for an hour and took off. Till then, I was completely normal. No problem, at all. Then, I began to have stomach-ache. I went to the lavatory. I passed stool with blood. I had to go to the lavatory nearly seven times; each time the motion was bloody. It is malene in medical parlance. I don't know how I reached home in London. By that time, I passed out completely. When I regained consciousness, I was in a hospital. Doctors, whose faces are familiar to me, were around my bed. What I had was the burst of an ulcer in the stomach. I was in the hospital for ten days. Later, I was discharged. Owing to Swami's grace, it has not recurred.

Had I had the attack in India, I would have been asked to be in India. I do not know which hospital is good, could handle my case and what type of treatment I would have received. Besides, my insurance cover would not have applicable here. I would have had to meet all expenses on my own. Swami hinted at the possibility of my becoming ill ('a doctor, too, may turn a patient'). Swami, out of His immense compassion and love, delayed the attack till I was past Kuwait on the last leg of my air journey from Madras. In one word, He gave me a new life.'

-- Dr. Agyeman

(As narrated to Mr. B. Parvatala Rao at Prasanthi Nilayam on 28.11.2005.)