Features | Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan by Devotees | Group I | Dr. A.V.Manohar Rao

Dr. A.V.Manohar Rao, Paediatrician,
Groud Floor, Arihant Apartments,
Ashoknagar, Hyderabad - 500 020

Dr. A.V. Manohar Rao, born on June 21, 1947, is a reputed Paediatrician who voluntarily retired from Govt. Service in 2002. He narrates his experience of how Swami saved him.

'It happened on December 10, 1995. The day began normally. I attended the pulse polio work throughout the day. The day seemed to be heading to end normally as I completed my work in the clinic. Later I visited one or two hospitals where I usually see patients, called on the would-be-in-laws of my daughter and returned home driving my car myself all through. On returning to my house, late in the evening, I felt uneasy - I don't know why. I lost my temper while taking my dinner. It happened never before. I had a feeling that there was not enough air to breathe, and proceeded into an open lane adjacent to our dining hall. There, all of a sudden, I slumped and fell flat. When a person slips and falls down, it will be difficult for him to get up and stand until a few minutes. But I stood up at once as if it were a spring action. I could get up very fast as if someone was physically lifting me up and putting me erect. If a person falls down due to heart attack, it could be very serious - even fatal. As a medical Doctor, I knew that I had a heart attack but could not understand how I could be back on my feet again.

Meanwhile, our daughter, Lakshmi had phoned up my brother Dr. Ranga Rao and expressed her anxiety about the way I was feeling uneasy. Like me, he too returned only then to his house after attending to pulse polio work. Immediately he came to me - from Panjagutta to Asoknagar. On his arrival I told him that we should go the hospital at once. I went into the pooja room, prayed to Lord Venkateswara and got into my brother's car. We rushed to the Medicity Hospital. After my admission there, Doctors on duty examined me and said that I was normal and that there was no worry.

My daughter, while telephoning to my brother, also phoned up her would-be-mother-in-law, Dr. Parimala. When Dr. Parimala was about to start to call on me, her husband, Dr. Sridhar told her. 'What is the use of your going alone? Better take with you Dr. Prasad also.' Dr. C.V.R.Prasad is a reputed physician and cardiologist. Luckily he was available at his house when Dr. Parimala rang him up. He immediately came to Dr. Parimala's house, picked her up and came to my house. He did not know me except as one of the members of the Medical Profession. He came to see me only due to his regard for Dr. Parimala.

When they were informed at my house that I had already been taken to the Medicity Hospital, he would have normally preferred to leave it at that point, as the Medicity Hospital was not one of the hospitals, which he normally covered for practice. It was, indeed, kind of him to have come to the Medicity Hospital. When he examined me, he realized that I had a heart attack. Though it was not proper etiquette on his part to intervene in another's area, he persuaded the Doctors on duty to do the needful. In fact, he started to treat me himself. By that time, my BP came down. He apprised me of all the developments but was continuously striving to give me encouragement and confidence so as to keep my morale high. He remained by my bedside the whole night, and left only in the morning after my condition improved and was past the immediate risk point.

In the morning, senior Doctors came, studied my condition, and said that I needed to undergo angiogram. I was taken to their main Hospital for angiogram. Dr. Somaraju, the well-known Cardiologist, performed the angiogram. I was advised that I should not 'cough' during the time of conducting it. Every year in December, I generally get cough in bouts. This December was no exception. The angiogram was done on December 20, 1995 followed by angioplasty.

As the catherization started, I began coughing severely in bouts just when I should not have done that. Dr. Somaraju asked me 'What Doctor! You are coughing?'. Though he did not say anything more, he appeared a little perturbed. As a Doctor, I, too, could realize what a risk I was running. But there was nothing I could do to keep the cough away.

Suddenly, I thought of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and prayed: 'Baba! I am helpless. I should not cough now but I cannot refrain from coughing. You are my only hope. Rescue me.' Soon after, I found Bhagavan standing by my side. I was not imagining things. I could perceive him clearly. He put his fingers into the hair on my head and started caressing me. I felt His touch so soothing and reassuring. The cough suddenly stopped. Even earlier, curiously, I did not feel alarm or fright though I was aware, as a Doctor, that I was passing through a critical time. Strangely, I was placid. Now I almost slept. By the time I regained my consciousness, I was on a bed in the ICU. Angioplasty also was over successfully.

Just at that moment, a young Doctor, in white uniform, came to me: 'I have vibhuti of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai. May I apply a little on you?' It appears he was an ex-student of Sri Sathya Sai School. I assented. Inside the theatre, Swami was by my side. The moment I came out, Swami's vibhooti was ready for me. What a grace, indeed! No need to add that I returned home later safely.

I continue to pursue my profession in good health. Some people who undergo angioplasty will be apprehensive of a relapse after a few years. But I have no such fear because Bhagawan was present in the theatre when I underwent angioplasty. How can anything like 'relapse' happen in my case when it was done with Bhagavan's grace in His Divine Presence?

Divine intervention is very clear all through. If only I had the attack while driving? I had it in my house. As it was night, my brother was available at his house and could come in time. Dr. Sridhar Rao suggested to his wife Dr. Parimala to take Dr. Prasad - who, in fact, saved me that night. When I prayed desparately, Swami appeared by my side instantaneously, and the cough stopped miraculously. The young Doctor put vibhuti on my forehead and in my mouth even though I was a stranger to him.'

-- Dr. A.V. Manohar Rao

(As narrated to Mr. B.Parvatala Rao on January 20, 2004 at Prasanthi Nilayam)