Features | Sri Satya Sai Speaks


Embodiments of Love!

As mentioned by the speakers who spoke just now, I provided water to Chennai both for drinking as well as for cultivation purposes. But the repair work of the canal was done only up to the border of Andhra Pradesh. Not only was this work executed without any problem, but it was also done in such a nice way that not even a drop of water was allowed to be wasted.

Depend only on God

Thus, the water of the river Krishna reached up to the border of Tamil Nadu very smoothly without any wastage. But there was wastage of water after it entered Tamil Nadu border as the part of the canal on the Tamil Nadu side was not repaired. It was envisaged that this work would be done by the Tamil Nadu Government, but it has not been done so far. Naturally, the people are worried as the work has not been completed. Therefore, I have decided to undertake this task (loud applause). The length of the canal to be repaired towards Chennai is about 25 km. The cost of repairing it is estimated at 30 to 40 crore rupees. There is no need for you to depend upon anybody else. It is enough if you pray to God. God can perform any task. Very soon, I will complete this work so that the water reaches the people of Chennai in full measure. Shortly, I will send the engineers there. As there are breaches in the canal on the Tamil Nadu side, a lot of water is being wasted. After the repair work is done, adequate water will reach Sathyamurthy Sagar. Thus, Sathyamurthy Sagar will be filled with Sathya Sai water (loud prolonged applause). I will do this work. This will ensure permanent supply of water to Chennai.

Everybody has Equal Right on Water

Sai can do any work which nobody else is able to do. The remaining part of the canal will be nicely repaired with cement lining. You have seen for yourself how much water is being wasted now. Water is not anybody's property; it is God's property. People are fighting with each other for water, which, in reality, is the property of God. So, they have no right to fight. Water is God's gift to man. Everybody has equal right over it.

The name of this year is Sarvajit. What is the meaning of Sarvajit? It means victory in all fields, viz., business, agriculture, education, etc. Hence, we will also be victorious in performing this task. I will complete this work so that you have no inconvenience henceforth. I am prepared to spend any amount of money. The five elements are the gift of God; water is one of them. It is in the hands of God. You need not approach anyone else. You may inform Karunanidhi that I will surely do this work. Convey this good news to the people of Chennai also in this auspicious Sarvajit year. May you all lead a happy life! Constantly contemplate on God. This is your total protection. How can people have any problem when they have this sacred protection? Why fear when I am here? (loud applause) In this Sarvajit year, I will give water for Sathyamurthy Sagar. Therefore, you should have no worry. Have faith that God will not only provide food and water to you, but He will look after you in all respects.

Today is the sacred New Year day. It is an important day both for the people of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The people of Kerala and Tamil Nadu are recipients of My grace in full measure (loud prolonged applause). Hereafter, you will have no problems. Earlier, small children were suffering from many ailments by drinking polluted water. Now drink this sweet water, enjoy good health and lead a blissful and happy life without any problems.

All of you who have come here should go back happily. You will have no dearth of anything in life. I have great love for Chennai. Where is Chennai and where is Puttaparthi? Did anyone come here and pray to Me? No. Sai Himself has come to you and provided water. My love for Chennai cannot be described in words. May you all enjoy good health by eating good food and drinking pure water!

       - From Bhagavan's Divine Discourse in Sai Kulwant Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam on 14th April 2007 on the occasion of Tamil New Year and Vishu.