eBooks by Sri. K.R.Paramahamsa
Welcome to Sri Sathya Sai Veda Pratishtan

The portal (website) www.vedamu.org is primarily designed to give Vedic literature in its entirety as available in Devanagari and Grantha scripts in India, as of now.

The module Veda presents the text of ten Veda Sakhas with five of them carrying the Bhashya by Sayanacharya, as part of the Samhita texts. Each Veda Sakha contains Samhita, Brahmanam, Aaranyakam and the Upanisads related to it.

The ten Veda sakha texts presented on the portal are the following:

Rigveda – Sakala sakha

Krishna Yajuveda – Taittiriya & Maitrayani sakhas

Sukla Yajurveda – Madhyandina & Kanva sakhas

Samaveda - Raanaayana, Kouthama & Jaimini sakhas

Atharvaveda – Sounaka & Pippalada sakhask

Besides the Veda sakhas, the module presents Other Upanisads not forming part of the Veda-sakha texts, all the 108 Upanisads in Devanagari script (actually 112), the Upavedas, Vedangas, Upangas, Brahmasutras, Tantra, Sandhyavandana and a host of literature of the Digital Vedic Library. The English translation of the Vedic texts is accessed under each Veda sakha to the other sites on the internet. The content of the module is rather comprehensive to the extent available to the scholars.

Of 1131 Veda sakhas available in the country during the time of Patanjali, about 2 millenniums and a half ago, only the few stated above - ten in number - are available today.

Maitrayani sakha of Krishna Yajurveda, Pippalada sakha of Atharvaveda and Jaimini sakha of Samaveda are the recent finds among the Veda sakhas.

Pippalada sakha is presently available in print for the first 15 Kandas only. This is brought on to the portal. Kandas 16 - 20 are available in Oriya script on palm leaves. The text of these Kandas has been transliterated into Devanagari script in hand. The handwritten text is brought on to the portal.

Jaimini sakha has Samhita and Aaranyakam in manuscript only in Grantha script. It is brought on to the portal in the same script.

The module of Vedic Chanting has audio of over 415 hours. It carries the Samhitapatha in full of the Sakala (Rigveda), Taittiriya (Krishna Yajurveda), Kanva (Sukla Yajurveda), Koutama (Samaveda) and Sounaka (Atharvaveda) sakhas for over 178 hours. Incidentally, these five Veda sakhas have Bhashyas by Sayanacharya. The module carries in different modes the pathas of the ten Veda sakhas in a representative way.

Bharata Savithri - an abridged version of Mahabharata, in Sanskrit, in audio, set to music, is an attraction of the module.

An important feature of the audio module is the presentation of Sri Sathya Sai Tattvas in the form of 40 Bhajans and 108 Telugu poems in the voice of the Divine Master Himself. The Bhajans are followed by devotees, while the rendering of the Telugu poems by Bhagavan is followed by brief translation in English. This audio content runs for over 5 hours and a half.

Another feature of the audio module is the musical presentation of Tattva-sudha in two items. The first item is titled Tattva-sudha consisting of 54 Tattvas, split into six groups of nine each, compiled from the teachings of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, in Telugu, set to musical composition in Navaragamalika. The second item is titled Vemana Padya Suktulu consisting of 57 poems by Yogi Vemana in Telugu, portraying the essence of his ethical and spiritual philosophy.

Other modules are Vedic Literature–English and Telugu, and also Vedic Astrology.

The portal has a module on Ayurveda Applications. Besides a brief account of the role of Ayurveda in health care, preventive and curative, on view is a broad spectrum of disease and ailment specific treatment with Ayurveda medicines produced and supplied by the leading Ayurveda pharmacies.

The portal has a module on Vedic Mathematics. It presents an introduction to Vedic Mathematics in a book titled 'Vedic Mathematics - Methods' for the benefit of students in secondary schools around the world. There are five volumes of scholarly Lecture Notes on different aspects of Vedic Mathematics, and Synopsis on the work of Jagadguru Sankaracharya Sri Bharathi Krishna Tirthaji Maharaj by Prof. C. Santhamma, for higher and deeper understanding of Vedic Mathematics. These Lecture Notes will be of immense help to researchers and scholars in Mathematics.

The portal has a module Learn Sanskrit for teaching Sanskrit to the beginners.

Features is another module on the portal. One illuminating feature is the Experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai by devotees around the world. It is a direct account in the words of the devotees themselves as to the manner of their experience of the Divinity of Bhagavan.

The video and audio content and also the eBooks on the portal are in zipped form. The visitors are to have WinRAR software on their systems to download the content. Such of the visitors that do not have the software on their systems may click here for download of the software from the Internet directly, to be able to download the content on their systems.

The purpose of the portal is primarily to bring the Vedic literature both in print, manuscript and in chanting to one place with access to all. Incidentally, there have been several Sanskrit Universities in India, and, as of now, there is only one Veda University - Sri Venkateswara Vedic University, Tirupati. It is our objective and endeavour that this portal may, in due course, convert itself into a Virtual Veda University. A project profile of the Virtual Veda University is on the module Virtual University.

The objective of this portal is primarily to enable the lovers of Veda and Sanskrit to learn, and to attain to spiritual enlightenment. The visitors to the portal are welcome to seek clarifications, elaboration of the contents of the portal, offer their comments etc, and make suggestions for further improvements under Review and Contact Us.

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